Chapter 3

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You saw Jin was angry .You don't know why but you saw that he was serious about something.You never seen him like that before.While talking with J-hope,
Teahyung comes towards you.

Y/N:"Hi, Teahyung. What's bring you here?" you ask him.Generally he doesn't talk so much with you.Even,
he doesn't gossip with his friends freely.

Teahyung:"Hi. I come here to you because Jin told me to bring you to him."

Y/N:"Where is he?Why he was so angry?"

Teahyung:"He is at the roof top. And I can't tell you here why he was angry".
Said and looks at J-hope.

Y/N:"Ok. I am going with you. J-hope,
you can go now I will come after some

J-hope:"Don't be so late."

Y/N:"Ok." you said and leave with Teahyung.

At the roof top-
You see there is Jin , Jimin, Jungkoook
and beside you is Teahyung. You look at Jin. His expression was like-

His expression was serious which was New to you

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His expression was serious which was
New to you.

Y/N:"Why you need me?" you ask annoyedly.

Jin:"Stay away from him." he said angrily.

Y/N:"From whom?"

Jin:"Stay away from J-hope." He shouted.

Y/N:" Why are you acting like this? I am fed-up with your annoying
over protective attitude." you shouted back.

Jimin:"Yeah Jin,Y/N is now 20. She is grown. Let her be free."

Jin:"It's good for her stay away from him and she is always like 2 years old girl to me. I don't care if she grow up.

Y/N:"And why you care about my friend zone?He is only my friend. Can't you understand it?"

Jin:"No. I can't and do what I said."

Y/N:"What if he tries to come near to me??"

Jin:"I will think about it."

Saying that Jin leaves you .Jimin and Teahyung also leave you.There was only you and Jungkook.
You try hard not to cry in front of him. So, you bite your lower lip to stop crying.But it was enough for bleeding.

Jungkook:"Hey...Are you ok?"

Y/N:"Yes. I am."

Jungkook:"Are you sure?? There is blood on your lips."

Y/N:"Blood!! Where??"

Jungkook:" Let me help you?"

Saying that he comes closer to you, pulls out his handkerchief from his pocket and gently rub that to your lips.

Jungkook's pov-

I know why she bites her lip. But I want to let her cry. It will help her to
Remove all stress of her mind.I know her and her brother from childhood. Her brother is really over protective about her. She couldn't able to date any person when she was in high school. She rejected almost thousand persons because of her brother.
I also like her and my feelings toward her is growing day by day. I want to confess her but I am afraid if I get rejected by her like others.I don't want to lose her forever.

"Here. It's done." I said to Y/N.
Y/N:"Oh... Thanks."

Saying that she leaves me alone at the roof top. I look at her little figure while she was leaving.

'I will make you mine, Y/N.' I mumble to myself.

End of Jungkook's POV.

Y/N 's POV-
Ohh....He was so close to me. I could feel his hot breath which was beating on my face. He was softly rubbing my lips.
"How can a person be so handsome!"
You said.
???:"Yeah. I know, I'm handsome."

You look at person who was in front of you.
He was the most annoying person to you but a friend too.

He was the most annoying person to you but a friend too

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Jimin is standing in front of you.

Y/N:"What do you want?"
Jimin:"You." He said quitely.
Y/N:" What?? I can't hear you."
Jimin:"No... nothing."
Y/N:"Then, let me go."

While you are going to pass him, suddenly he grab your wrist.

Y/N:"What now??"you shouted.
Jimin:"You forget something, princess".
Y/N:" About what?"
Jimin:" Seriously ,Y/N?? About this morning.I kindly gave you a trip and you forget it easily?"
Y/N:"So??" you ask coldly.
Jimin:"What about a good bye kiss?" he asks you and smirking at you evily.
Y/N:"kiss your ass."

Saying that you leave Jimin alone as fast as you can .
Jimin:"Ahhh..... It's hurt. Every girl wants me and this girl is so harsh."

You came to your class.Took your backpack from class.There was no one in the class. Then you came out side of your college. You see that Jin is waiting for you to go home.

In the car, it was silent.Generally Jin uses to miscall you to tease you .
'Maybe he is mad at me still.' you said to yourself. After 15 minuets , you arrive at home. You open the door.

End of Y/N's POV.

Y/N:"Mom. We are at home."
Y/m/N: " I am at the kitchen."

You come to the kitchen.

Y/N:"Ahhhh.... It smells so good. Mom, what are you cooking?"
Y/m/N: "Your favourite fried rice."
Y/N:"Really?? Then I will patiencely
wait for it.
Y/m/N:"You don't have to be.It is already done."

Then you came to your room .Took a shower and put on a T-shirt and sweet pant.

Y/m/N:"Dinner is ready."your mom shouted.

You came down stairs and walked towards the dining room.
There was your Mom , Dad and Jin.
You sit beside your Mom and in front of Jin.

Y/d/N:"So kids, what was your day?"
Your dad ask.
Y/N:"It was good."you lied and glare at Jin.

After taking dinner , you help your Mom to wash dishes.Then you came back to your room and did your homework.

At 10:30 you go to your bed . Lying on the bed, you was thinking about Jungkook. In the way he touches you.
You wish that the next day will be better than today.

On the other hand, who knows that
Jungkook was also thinking about you.

On the other hand, who knows that Jungkook was also thinking about you

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