Chapter 14.

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Y/N 's POV -

I can't sleep all the night. I was crying so much whole night. Next morning I wake up from my bed and do my morning routine.

Someone knocked on my door and It was my mom.

Y/M/N :" Y/N , sweety , get ready. You have someone to meet."

Y/N :" But mom..... I don't want to meet anyone right now."

Y/M/N:" I understand you. But Y/N .... please do it for your father's sake. You are already know about his physical condition and he is so worried about you."

I was thinking about what my mom told me just right now. Yes, my father has a weak Heart and he is so Sick now. I love my parents so much. So I have to sacrifice for their sake.

Y/N :" O-ok mom. You can go now. I am getting ready."

Y/M/N: " Thanks . Thank you so much." saying that she kissed my forehead and left my room.

End of Y/N ' s POV.

Y/N sighed and took a casual dress to wear. She put light makeup to hide her puffy red cheeks. Her eyes were still puffy and red and she have dark circles under her eyes.

She headed down stairs and there was everyone looking at her.

Jin's POV -

I never knew she would cry this much. It hurts me to see her like this. She is my sister and I love her so much. I was wondering if my parents were doing the right thing.

But I don't want to let this happen. I never wanted to hurt her and never will. I will find my best to stop this Marriage for her to keep her happy.

End of Jin's POV.

Someone rang the doorbell.

Y/M/N :" I think he is here. I am opening it."

Your mom opened the door and there was standing a young good looking man.

Y/M/N :" Please come in."

He came in and greeted my parents and brother.

Y/M/N:" Y/N, this is him, Choi Minho."

Minho :" Hi. You are Kim Y/N righ?" he said and forward his hand to shake.

You noded at him and shake his hand with yours he smiled at you and you the same but it was fake.

Minho :" Uncle - aunt may we both leave ?"

Y/M/N :" Yes you can. Y/N , go with Minho."

You hesitate at first but did as your mom told.

Jin :" Dad , are you sure that you are doing the best ?"

Y/F/N :" Yes. Don't worry. He is a nice guy."

You and Minho came into a five star restaurant. Their was a girl who was waving her hands at Minho. Minho goes to her and hugs her.

Minho :" How are you babe? I missed you so much."

' Wait babe.....?!? Is she his girlfriend?? Then why this jerk wants to marry me ?? ' you were thinking to yourself.

Minho :" Ohhh.... Y/N, meet my girlfriend ,Rose."

The girl name Rose looked at me and smiled.

Rose :" Hello. Nice to see you , Y/N."

You were totally confused of everything . You looked at her and smiled too.

'I think she is good.' You said to yourself.

Minho :" Look Y/N, I know you don't want to marry me."

Y/N:" H-how do you know ?"

Minho :" It's easy. Your eyes are telling it. Looks like you cried last night so much for getting marry with a stranger."

Y/N :" You are right."

Minho :" I am also forced to do this like you."

Y/N:" Do you told your parents about your girlfriend ?"

Minho :" Yes I did so many times. They don't like Rose cause ......she is not rich. But it doesn't annoy me . I love her because of her personality."

Y/N :" That's good to know."

Rose :" Do you have any boyfriend?"

Y/N :" No. "

Rose :" Why ?? You are so beautiful to have a man."

Y/N :" Thanks. But I don't have."

Rose:" At least a crush ?"

At this time you couldn't say anything to her. Yes you have a crush but unfortunately you didn't end up with him.

Rose :" have. Don't you ?"

Y/N : " Y-yes "you shily replied.

" Who is it ?" Both Minho and Rose asked you out of excited.

Y/N :" You don't know him . His name is Jeon Jungkook."

Minho :" Who told you that I don't know him ? His father is my father's business partner. We both mate  several times."

Y/N :" So you know him ?"

Minho :" Obviously I do."

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