Chapter 16

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Y/N:" Minho....Minho....Please come back to the earth."

Minho :" Huh....Yeah... what were you telling ?"

Y/N :" Why we are going to Jungkook 's place all of sudden ?"

Minho :" Ohh... we are already here and you will find the answer soon ." He said and nervously chuckled.

But his answer never satisfied you. You were confused of why everyone is replying you in the same way ?

Minho opened the car door for you like a gentleman. Then you and him both headed towards Jungkook's huge mansion.

There were so many people like famous business man including your and yours friend's family. Then you find them.....your friends ( BTS) along with your crush Jeon Jungkook.
But something that made you so sad which is Jungkook was with..... a girl intertwined their........ hands together.

You could not say anything just stand there like a dead person. Minho understood you situation .

Minho :" Y/N , everything will be ok . Be patient."

Y/N :" H-how ?" your eyes became blurry. To hold your tears you started to bite your lips.

Y/N :" Minho....I am not feeling well. I want to leave." You said as you turned around to leave.

Minho :" Wait ,Y/N..-"

Jungkook's POV-

I was waiting for Y/N cause I want to tell her something so important today. I planned an Idea with Minho along with my friends. I was so shocked and happy at the same time that Y/N's overprotective brother Jin also agreed with our plan.

Then I saw her.....Y/ coming with Minho. Well she is looking so beautiful as always . I was going to welcome her but Mia hold me back to introduce me to someone. She suddenly hold my hand tightly with hers but I harshly take my hand out from her.

I again looked at Y/N's direction but she wasn't there.

End of Jungkook's POV.

You walked through the hall and was about to leave but someone pulled you into a comfort hug. You looked at him and it was your twin brother , Jin.

Jin :" I understand your situation, sis."

Y/N:" What are you talking about ?" you said and sobbed in his chest.

Jin :" You like Jungkook so much that make you so sad seeing him with another girl."

Y/N :" W-why I would be....I am happy for him and.....I was not feeling well.... t-thats why..I-i...-"

Jin :" You are such a bad liar Y/N. Trying hard to hide your feelings for Jungkook from me ??"

Y/N:" H-how....??"

Jin :" Idiot. I read your secret diary from A to Z that you were searching crazily a month ago."

Y/N :" Whatt !?! So you took my diary??"

Jin :" Actually yes. Stay here and believe me . Everything will be ok."

At this moment, I couldn't say anything just stand there silently.

Y/N :" So....You would agree if I date Jungkook which is impossible."

Jin : " Yes ofcourse. But why are you giving up so easily? I told you to believe me."

Y/N : " Thanks.... Oppa for comforting me."

Jin : " Woah!!! Am I dreaming ?? You called me oppa for the first time."

You couldn't say anything just chuckled at his cute reaction.

Jin :" Let's go to the hall and see what will happen...."

You and Jin both came to the big hall where everyone was. Mr Jeon , I mean Jungkook 's father requested everyone  to put our attention to him cause he wants to announce something.

Mr Jeon : " Good evening , ladies and gentlemen. I am going to announce something very important to all of you. My son Jeon Jugkook the only hier of Jeon corporation is getting engaged to the daughter of .......Mr Lee this evening. Please give a big clap for them."

Everyone clapped  expect your friends ( BTS ) , Jisoo and Minho.

You were totally shocked of what you heard. Tears started roll down from your eyes. But your brother and friends were beside of you to comfort.

Mr Jeon : " Now I would like if my son Jungkook and his fiance Mia come here to complete their engagement."

Both of them went to Mr Jeon . Now they were the main attention of the party. At this moment you was about to faint.

Jungkook took the engagement ring from his parents . He was about to put that on Mia 's finger......

But someone pushed him and It was Jimin. He pushed Jungkook all of a sudden . As a result the ring dropped from Jungkook's hand . The ring started to rolling on the floor and landed near to your foot.

Jimin :" Oohoo I am really sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It accidentally happened."

Jugkook :" It's ok. I will get that."

' Wow !!  You are such a liar Jimin ! You did the best to clear my path. Now I will do my best.' Jungkook said to himself.

Jungkook slowly came near to you. You couldn't do anything just stare at him blankly. He took the ring from the floor near to your foot. Then he looked at your teary eyes straightly like you were doing.

Suddenly Jungkook bent down in front of you with the ring in his hand.

Jungkook :" Kim Y/N , Would you like to be my life partner forever..."

You were totally shocked of what you have heard but you don't want to miss your opportunity so you replied him instantly.

Y/N:" Yes...I would love to..."

Jungkook smiled at you brightly. He cupped your cheeks and leaned forward to give you a soft yet passionate kiss to melt your heart.

At this moment everyone cheered louder than before.... for You and Jungkook.

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