Chapter 8

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You wake up at 10 am in the morning.
A little late because today is your college off. Then you go to your bathroom and finish your morning routine as usual. You remembered that you have to go to market for ordering food because Jin held a party tonight. You got ready for shopping in your casual clothes and tied your long brown hair in a messi bun. When you finished , You headed down stairs. There was Jin watching T.V.

Jin:" Oh... You awake."

Y/N:" Yep."

Jin:" So you are going now."

Y/N:" Yeah you told me so."

Jin:" I made breakfast . It's on the table. Have it."

Y/N:" You made it!! Since when you learned cooking ?"

Jin:" Me and you love to have pancake. So I learned it from Mom."

Y/N:" Oooo.... Let me try some."

Then you walk toward breakfast table to have pancake which was made by Jin.

Jin:" How is it?"

Y/N:" Not bad but not good like mom."

Jin:" I knew it you will say it. You never praise me for my hard works."

Y/N:" Ok ok it was good. Now happy ?"

Jin:" Satisfied."

After finishing your breakfast , you put your shoes on and take your phone and purse.

Y/N:" I have to go now."

Jin:" Wait. Here is the list that you have to buy."

Then jin give you a big list of foods. There was so many names of junk foods and including alcohol.

Y/N:" Ok. I got it."

Jin:" Come back here at 12 pm and take this."

He gives you his credit card and keys of his car. You gave him a serious look because he never let you to drive his car. You know how to drive. You also have your driving licence. He thinks that I would get an accident if I drive car.

Y/N:" I don't need your credit card. I have mine with me."

Jin:" Take mine or I will not give you any chance to drive my car."

Y/N:" Ok. I will take it and thanks."
You smile at him.

Jin:" Be careful on road. Don't be late. I have a surprise for you ." He smirks at you.

Y/N:" Ok.Bye."

You were confused at his smirk. When he smirks at you like that , it means he will do something bad like pranks with you. Oh God not this time. You also curious about what he will going to surprise you.

Then you walk to the garage of your house and start the engine of the car. After 15 minutes you arrive at the market. After parking Jin's car you headed to the market.

Time skips magically.

At 1 pm.

You finished with your marketing. You open your phone.

Y/N:" It's already 1:00 pm. Jin told me to go home at 12 pm. I already late. He will be mad at me."

The market was so busy and crowded . Today is Friday and it's weekend.That's why So many people came here to pass their weekend. At this time your phon switched off because of low bettary.

Y/N:" Of shit ."

Then you came to the parking place for your car to go to your house. Everything was okay but there were a gang of bad boys who were laughing maniacly. At this time you got scared of them. If they do anything bad to you. But your luck wasn't with you this time.

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