Chapter 10

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You look at the person who just call you right now. And it was J- hope.

J-hope:" Hey, Y/N, come here. You too jisoo."

You two both approach to him.

Jisoo :" Do you want us to do something?"

J-hope:" Nothing seriously. We are just playing Truth or Dare. If you two are join with us ?"

Before you could say something Jisoo cut your sentence by saying -

Jisoo :" Yes , we are going to join ."

Y/N:" I am not joining."

Jisoo :" Come on , Y/N . It will be funny".

J-hope:" Yeah it will be."

Then Jisoo dragged you towards the living room where they were playing. All of them were sitting circular. You sit between Jisoo and Namjoon opposite side of Jungkook . And the middle of the circle there was a wine bottole for spinning. You look all of them but there wasn't Jin.

Y/N :" Where is Jin ?"

Namjoon: " He already got drunk and Jimin took him to his room."

Jimin: " How much your brother eat , princess ? He is too heavy and my back is hurting badly."

Y/N : " Who told you to take him in his room ? And you don't have any muscle to carry any heavy. "

Jimin :" You are really a bad girl , princess. You hurt me a lots of time."

Y/N: "For your own good."

J-hope:" Ok. Stop arguing. Who will spin the bottle at frist ?"

Y/N:" Me . " You said putting your hands up.

Namjoon: "Ok."

You spin the bottle and it landed on Jimin.

Y/N:" Truth or Dare ?"

Jimin:" Obviously dare." said proudly.

You again spin the bottle and second time it lands on Suga.

Y/N:" So, I dare Jimin to kiss Suga."

Suga:" Whatt??"

Jimin:" I will kiss a dead person rather than kissing him. "

Jisoo :" It's a dare and you have to do it."

Jimin walks to Suga to do his dare. Suga was sitting there like a fool. Jimin kiss Suga shortly on his cheek. Suga wipe his cheek with  his palm.

Suga: "Ahh.... disgusting."

Jimin: "Princess, You will have to repay it later for this kind of dare."

Y/N: " That was funny though." You said and all of the people are started laughing. You and Jisoo do a high five.

The game was going well. It was quite funny. All of you were enjoying. Teahyung choose truth and he admits that he really like Jisoo and wants to go on a date with her . Rest of the people congrats them. Jimin was happy and fine with them if they date. You wish if Jin also agree like Jimin.

Jimin was spinning the bottle and it landed on Jungkook. And Jungkook chose dare. But at second time of spinning it landed on .......... Unexpectedly........You. you got nervous. You look at Jungkook.

His expression was totally shocked

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His expression was totally shocked. Then you look at Jimin . He was continuously smirking evily.

Jimin:" Ok. Now this is my time to take my revenge."

You glare at him.

Y/N:" Do you have a dead wish , Jimin?"

Jimin:" Nope. I don't wanna die at this age. But it will be fun for me to be killed by you. "

J-hope :" Come on. It's not time for arguing. I am really excited ."

You also give a glare at J-hope.

J-hope: " Y/N, please don't look at me like that. It's scary."

Jimin:" Calm down , princess. You don't have to do anything. I dare  Jungkook  to kiss you for five minutes. And obviously it will be a lip kiss."

Y/N: " Are you mad ?"

Jimin:" I am hundred percent alright. I already told you that you have to repay it. And don't worry there is no Jin to concern about."

Jisoo:" This is first time I am supporting my brother's choice."

Teahyung:" Yes. Kiss her."

Jungkook stands up from his seat and walks to you. You were sitting there numb and nervous. He comes closer to you. His face was all red out of shy or embress and yours too. His face was only a few inches away from you. His hot breath was tickling your face. You close your eyes.

OMG?!? you are going to kiss by your crush in front of everyone. But ...... suddenly.....You both interput by a sound. It was a ringtone sound. You both unfortunately didn't make it because you got an unexpected phon call from an unknown number.

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