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                    8 years later -

Time flee away so fast . There was no ending between Y/N and Jungkook's Love story.

Now he is the most renown man in Korea. He has become the ceo of Jeon corporation. He is a really busy person . But he gives more priority to his family than his work. That's why Y/N loves him the most. Besides Y/N has also a successful career. So their early marriage never left an impact on their career.

Y/N : " Uff... shit. I have to pick him up. Jin, you handle this work ."

Jin : " Ok. Be careful."

Soon Y/N made her way from her office to a kindergarten to pick her six years old son Jeon Jungwoo.

Soon Y/N made her way from her office to a kindergarten to pick her six years old son Jeon Jungwoo

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Jungwoo totally looks like his father Jungkook but he never got his father's behavior. He looks so cute and innocent but who knows he will be so prankish.

Y/N parked her car in the parking lot and quickly ran into the school. There he was talking with Jina . Jina is Jisso's  and Taehyung's only daughter.

Y/N :" I am so sorry for being late ."

Jungwoo :" No . It's ok momma. I enjoyed being here with Jina."

Y/N :" That's good. Jina , sweety who came here to pick you?"

Jina :" Dad did. He is talking to the teacher now. Aunty can I tell you something ?"

Y/N : " Yes ofcourse . Go ahead."

Jina : " It's about Jungwoo *looks at Jungwoo*. I think he has a mental problem."

Y/N : " What ? No. Did he done something wrong ?"

Jina : " N-no. He said that he wants me to be his girlfriend. You know aunty..... he is so naughty."

At first you chocked at your own saliva about what Jina told you.

Y/N : " I am so sorry sweety from the behalf of him. I will take care of this. "

Jina :" It's ok aunty. It's not a serious problem."

Then Taehyung came after his work.

Taehyung : "Is there any problem?"

Jina : " No dad. "

Teahyung : " Oh . Y/N you have already come ?"

Y/N :" Yeah. I was late. Thanks for taking care of Jungwoo when I was not here."

Taehyung : " It's ok."

Y/N : " Then bye. I have to go. See you later".

Taehyung :" Bye."

Jungwoo : " Bye bebe see you around." said to Jina and wink at her. She just glare at him.

At home -

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