Back story

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You wake up on a nice Sunday morning to your best friend Tom yelling outside your window to come play with him. You excitedly jump out of your bed only to remember that this is the last day that you get to play with him before he leaves for London for a while. You quickly get dressed and run down the stairs. When you get outside you run over to him and he hands you a sunflower. " This is for you to help you remember me while I am gone princess ." He said slightly sad. You start to cry as you know that you most likely will never see him again. After playing for a couple of hours his mom Nikki calls. " Tom we need to be leaving now." He gives you a hug and then runs after his mom. You follow him waving as he drives away. You then fall to your knees crying wishing that he never had to leave.

             TEN YEARS LATER
You wake up to your stepmother screaming for you to get up and start making breakfast as she unlocks your door and leaves. You get up off the paper thin mat they gave you to sleep on. After your mom died your dad married your stepmother Rose. Your dad then started drinking a lot more and had a gambling problem. He was almost never home. So that left you with you stepmother who hates you and her son and daughter that also hate you . They were never nice to you. You never got to eat and thing more that a small piece of bread with some butter on it and a cup of water and if you ever got anything wrong they would beat you up . You head down stairs to the kitchen. You start making breakfast. When you finally finished you set the table. With four plates instead of three hoping that they would let you eat with them today. Rose walks in. "Oh is your father joining us for breakfast today?" She said knowing what the answer was.
"Well no... but I was hoping I could eat with you today." You said scared. Rose then picked up the plate and smashed it on the ground. "IF YOU COULD EAT WITH US I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU!!!   UNLESS I SAY THAT YOU CAN EAT WITH US DON'T YOU EVER SET OUT A PLATE FOR YOU!!! BITCH!!" She said as she punched you. You fell to the ground. As she prosecuted to kick you. Just then your dad walked in worried and said "Rose we might have some trouble."

I will be doing the best I can to keep updating it. It might be hard with school starting tomorrow.
Anyway I hope you continue reading.


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