Your pov #1

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Y/N leaves to go the bathroom Harrison turns to me and says. "Have you made your move yet?" "No I am waiting for the right moment." I say.
Just then we hear. "HELP!!!! HELP ME !!! NO NO NO!!"
Then I heard a door slam.
I get up from the table and go to check on Y/N . I got the bathrooms and she is not outside. I got in to the woman's bathroom. "Y/N?? Are you in here??" I say. ""That lovely girl has been gone for quite sometime now." A raspy voice said. "Who the fuck are you?" I ask. "All that matters to you it that you will never see your girl again." The man said. He then left the room and I ran out to Harrison. I grab his arm and drag him out to the GMC.
"Ouch." You say. You go to rub your head but you soon realize that you are tied to a chair. "Where the hell am I?" You ask out loud. "Nice of you to join us princess." A man says. You assume it is Tom since he said princess. "Tom?" You ask. "Nope sorry love he is not here." A man says. The man the walks out of the darkness. "Well aren't you a sight." The man said looking at you and licking his lips. He comes close to you and starts to kiss you. You start screaming. He then grabs you face and says. "You better be quiet love or you won't like what happened." You stay silent. "Nothing to say to that?" The man asks. "Look down." You say. He looks down to see this. 🖕🏽. The man growled and you see his hand jerk and your cheek is hot. He smacked you. Then he grabs you hair and pulls it and says. "There is more where that came from if you don't stay quiet." The man says as he continues to kiss you. He starts to make his way down your neck. You start silently crying. He grabs your hair and pulls it back saying "I THOUGHT I SAID TO STAY QUIET!!" He said smacking you again.
Just then you hear a loud..

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