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And climb in bed soon after your in bed Tom joins you in what he was in last night. You feel his hands squeeze your ass. "No shorts to night then love?" Tom asks. You blush. He grabs he arms around your waist and pull you closer to him. "Your mine." He says kissing the back of your neck. Shortly after you both fall asleep Tessa comes in and lays at the foot of the bed.
I wake up get dressed and go down stairs to my office. I call Harrison in. "I need you to bring Y/N's stepmother and her dad in here." I say. "Ok. Did you make your move?" Harrison asked. " yep me and Y/N went in got tattoos yesterday. She is officially mine." I say smiling. "Nice Tom. Ok I will bring her family in here." Harrison said. "Thanks." I say.
      YOUR POV
You wake up and go get dressed.

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      YOUR POVYou wake up and go get dressed

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You run downstairs and eat breakfast

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You run downstairs and eat breakfast. On you way to the garden you bump into Tom. "Hey Y/N!! I am bringing your family here and I want you to talk to them." Tom says. "Oh I mean if it is important I will." You were living such a happy life here not really thinking about them and now Tom wants to bring them here? To the only place in this world that made you feel safe. Tom left and you went out into the garden. You sat on the bench and you couldn't help but let a little tear roll Down your cheek. It made you so angry that you would have to see their stupid faces again you hated them more than you could ever explain. You went into your bathroom and cleaned up. Harrison knocked on the door and you opened it. " your parents are here and Tom is ready for you to come and talk to them." Harrison said. You followed him down the stairs every room and downstairs into the basement. When you open the door and walk in you see them tied to chairs Tom standing in front of them glaring. You walk in and go up to Tom and he gives you the sweetest look. "What did you want me to talk to them about Tom?" you ask. "You go ahead and ask ask them anything you'd like to know love." " OK. Well I guess I've always want to know is there any love for me in your life at all. Did you really want me or was I just a mistake that you were forced to live with. I guess what I'm really asking is did either of you Dad especially you ever actually love me and or want me?" You say on the verge of tears. Your stepmother looks up at you and says "you know I have never have really cared for you when your father said that he had a daughter I thought that would be exciting to have another child but then you reminded me that I didn't I never loved you. Frankly I have never gave a shit about you." She said." "Well I guess that that's what I was expecting her to say." You think. But still you can't help but to let you eyes fill with tears. You towards your dad. "Dad?" You ask him your voice cracking.  "Well Y/N I think that you where a mistake. But your mother thought the world of you. But I never wanted you. I have never felt any love for you. I just kept you so I didn't have to go through all the paperwork to get rid of you." Your dad says. Tears start streaming down you face onto the floor. Tom comes over and hugs you. He softly kisses your head. " wait wait are you to a thing?" Your dad asks. "Yes." You say through tears. "Well I would drop her quickly. She not use. She pathetic." Your dad says. You stop crying and stand still looking at him. "I don't see how anyone could love you. You so weak and ugly. There is not one ounce of love for you in my body." Your stepmother says. You run out of the basement crying. You lock yourself in you bathroom.

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