The end. (Or is it???🤔)

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You and Tom fall asleep Tom holding you as close to him as possible. He kisses the top of you head. "Don't worry princess I will always protect you and trust you most." Tom says as you drift off to sleep.
You wake up to Tom rubbing your arm softly. "Hey." Tom says. His voice is raspy for sleep. "Good morning." You say back. You and him cuddle in bed for a while before getting ready for the day. Tom says that he has somethings planed for the day. While eating breakfast you get a message from violet.
V:Hey!!!! What are you up to today?
Y: oh hey! Yeah I am busy my boyfriend has somethings planed for us today.
V: oh ok then.😢 well I hope you have fun.
Y:yeah you too.
Tom gets up and puts his plate in the sink. "I have to go get some things ready for today so I am going to be gone for a while. You just stay here while I am gone. Love you princess." Tom says as he walks into the garage. You can hear him pull out of the drive way.
I am on the way to a very special shop. I call harry on the way there.
T:hey harry is everything ready?
H:yeah everything is ready to go.
T:ok I just need to grab one more thing then everything should be ready for tonight.
H:ok sounds good are you on the way now?
T:yeah I will be there in a few.
H:ok I will see you soon then.
End of call
I pull up to the shop and meet harry in there. When we are done we go and double check everything. That take most of the day. After we are done I go get the limousine ready. (Hint hint.) and I go pick Y/N up.


You are on the sofa playing games on your phone when Tom texts you.

Tom💞💕❤️: Hey I will be there soon to get you go up into your room and change into what is there.
You:ok love you see you soon.😘
Tom💞💕❤️: love you more.😘
You go upstairs and change in to what Tom has ready for you.

You wait by the front door. You can't wait to see what he has planed. Just then the door bell rings. You open the door and there is Tom all dressed up like you. "What did you plan Tom?" You ask. "Oh you'll see." Tom says absolutely beaming. He then picks you up bridal style and walks out of the house. You look in the drive way and there is a limousine. He sets you down inside of it and gets in. You drive for like 30 mins and then stop. You get out and you stopped in front of a restaurant. Tom wraps one arm around you waist and leads you in. "Name?" A lady at the desk asks. "Holland." Tom says smiling. She leads us back to a table by a huge window. You could see the whole city. It was breathtaking. "So. What do you think?" Tom asks. "It's just wow. It's incredible." You say looking around. You eat dinner then Tom leads you back to the limousine. You dive for a minute and then stop. By now you have taken your heels off. Tom gets out and comes and opens your door. When you step out you are at a beach. You step onto the soft sand and see a path of daisies. You follow Tom and the daisies till you get to a open spot with lights. Tom pulls you to him. He then gets down on one knee. Pulls out a little box and says. "Y/N ever since we were little kids I have loved you. And I have grown more madly in love with you since I technically kidnapped you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Tom pauses for a minute he open the box. "Y/N will you marry me?"


I HOPE THAT YOU ALL ARE NOT MAD AT ME BUT THIS IS THE END OF THE BOOK. I will be writing a next book tho soo don't get mad at me. I also hope that you read my other books and the next one for this one.

Love you all bye!!!❤️❤️❤️

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