Your pov #2

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He grabs your hair and pulls it back saying "I THOUGHT I SAID TO STAY QUIET!!" He said smacking you again.
Just then you hear a loud.
GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER NOW!!! You hear someone yell. The man let's go of you and looks towards the stairs. Tom comes running out of the darkness and punches the man. As Tom is punching the  man other men start coming out of the dark. You try warning Tom by screaming but it is to late. Then men rip Tom off of the man and tie him to a chair. Tom tried to get away from them but there was just to many. Then man gets up off then ground and says. "You should have though twice about that Holland." The man walks up to Tom and punches him. Tom spits out a tooth and blood. You look away. The man comes over and grabs your face and turns you towards Tom. "If you look away from him I swear to god you will regret it." He goes back over to Tom and punches him again and again and again. You start to scream and cry. "STOP IT!! STOP IT!! PLEASE I WILL DO ANYTHING!!" You sob. "Anything? That's a big promise." The man says walking over to you. He grabs your hair again and starts to kiss you. He slowly moved down your neck and with the hand he is not holding your hair with he snaps. Two of his men walk over he stops kissing you and says to his men. "Make sure Holland does not look away from this." He says pointing at you. The man goes back to what he was doing while the men turn Toms head towards us. You start to cry again. The man smacks you again. "You had better shut up before you regret it." He goes back to kissing you."STOP IT!? THATS ENOUGH!!" Tom yells "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY GIRL BEFORE I FUCKING KILL YOU!!" "You are not really in the position to say that Holland." The mans says. He stops and walk over to Tom. He grabs his face and says "I would not say anything thing if I were you." The mans looks down to see this.🖕🏽 "see that's where you and your girl are the same. Both equally as good at pissing someone off!!" The mans yell punching Tom again. He spits out blood again and looks back at that man. You then just realized that you aren't in your dress any more but you are in this. ⬇️


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"HOW IN THE HELL DID I GET IN THIS!?" You yell. "Well I put you in that love. I had some fun with you while you where still drugged." The mans said smiling. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!" Tom yelled. "What is your name. I ask.
"My name is ...

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