The almost break up

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You don't hear Harrison leave. "Well I don't think that he is going to leave." You say. "Yeah I think so too." Tom says. You both lay down in Toms bed and fall asleep.
You wake up to Tessa licking you. "Do you need to go out girl?" You ask softly so that Tom doesn't wake up. You walk down stairs and grab Tessa's leash. You walk outside and walk around the neighborhood for a while. You take Tessa back in and go back to the bedroom. Tom is not there. You walk to the kitchen and see Tom eating breakfast. "Hey baby." You say. Tom says nothing back. He just sits and glares at you. "What? What's wrong?" You ask. "Where were you last night?" He ask looking at you. "Tom you know where I fucking was. I was with you." You say getting mad. Does he really think that I am fucking around with someone else. "Really? Well that's not what Harrison said." Tom says standing up. "Well Harrison is wrong." You say. "And plus why would I be with anyone." "Well I trust and care about Harrison more than anyone else." Tom says. "Wow Tom. Thanks for that. I really feel like I love you now. You fucking asshole." You yell you start to cry. "No-" Tom starts. He reaches for your hand. "NO! Don't fucking touch me." You yell running upstairs. You change in to

 You change in to

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and run out of the house ignoring Tom

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and run out of the house ignoring Tom. You need to be away from him right now before you ruin what you and him have. You turn you music on and run. You run to god knows where. But that's where you are going. After a few hours you start to head back to the house. You left at 8:30 am and got back at 12:30 pm. You walk in the house and tun to the gym Tom has in the house. Tom is in his office. You walk right pass him and into the gym. You just can't even with him right now. You walk into the gym and you realize that you do t have to much muscle so you decide to start small. You pick up the 60 pound weights and start curling them. You start the punching bag. You know how to box. You did boxing between the ages of 4-10 then Rose made you stop she said that girls shouldn't know how to break noses. She also said that I would be to busy to do it anymore. So that's when she started making you be her slave. After punching bags you do the bench press. You do that for 30 minutes then start pushups and crunches. After doing that for a while you do squats. While you are doing squats someone comes up behind you and grabs your ass. You whip around and smack whoever did it. Tom or Harrison or whoever you could care less. Tom because you are mad at him and Harrison or anyone else you didn't want them touching you. You look to see who it is and all you see is Tom standing there looking shocked. You walk right past him and upstairs to your room. You take a shower and change.

 You take a shower and change

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 You lay down in you bed and Tom walks in

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You lay down in you bed and Tom walks in. "I don't know if you thought I was Harrison or someone else but it's me not someone else so.." Tom says. "If you are looking for an apology you should stop because you aren't getting one." You says glaring at him. "Ok let me rephrase that. Why the hell are you mad at me?" Tom say. "Well let me think for a second Tom. Oh here let's see. Well this morning you accuse me of cheating on you and then you said that you care about and trust Harrison more than anyone you know!" You says. You can feel the tears filling up in your eyes. "It was just in the heat of the moment." Tom says. "Well it sure as hell didn't sound and it feel like it!" You yell now getting out of bed and standing up. "How do you think that made me feel after the kind of life I've had Tom!" You scream tears streaming down your face. "After I have been neglected and beat and now have found up that my own fucking father has never had an ounce of love in his body for me! And to top it all off my boyfriend is accusing me of cheating on him and saying that he cares and trust his friend more than his girlfriend! Oh yeah and one more thing I forgot is that when I got mad and smack you for grabbing my ass while I am pissed at you you then expect me to apologize!"
You yell. "Your right I shouldn't expect you to apologize. I wasn't thinking what I was saying earlier. Really Y/N I really am truly sorry. What do you want me to say." Tom says. He walks up to you and you can see some tears filling up his eyes you back up. "Do you really truly trust and care about Harrison more than anyone?" You says wiping some tears. "No. I Care about you and trust you more than that idiot." Tom says some tears rolling down his cheeks. You walk up and wipe them off his cheek. You hold his face in your hands. He moves his hands up to your face and he wipes all the tears off your face. "Does this mean you forgive me?" He asks. "Yes." You say. "I love you to much to not forgive you." "What I do want to know is why did Harrison say that I was not here last night?" You say. "Yeah me to. Let's go ask him love." Tom says grabbing your hand and leading you out of your room. We walk around the house until we find Harrison. When we do find him Tom asks "Harrison can I ask you a question? Ok well I am not going to wait to see what you say. So here is my question for you. Why the fuck did you say that Y/N was with someone else last night?" "I must have been a mistake it looked like she was with someone." Harrison says. "Well next time get a better look." You say.

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