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Why the fuck did you say that Y/N was with someone else last night?" "I must have been a mistake it looked like she was with someone." Harrison says. "Well next time get a better look." You say.
Its around 9:30 am you woke up later then you wanted. You change into some workout clothes and go for a 3 mile run. You come back a workout in the gym. After you are done you take a shower and get dressed for the day.

You go down stairs and see Tom eating breakfast. "Good morning love." Tom says. "How can you do all that so early?" Tom says refuring your whole workout. "Oh well I like to get yo earlier than that. Normally I would get up at 6:00 am to do is." You says sitting down and filling your plate with food. "Your a beast. I don't workout till later in the day." Tom says putting his plate in the sink. Tom walks into his office. You finish eating your breakfast and go to the library. You read for a while before going back up to you room to take a nap.
After I am done with my work I go to check on Y/N. I walk in to her room and she is asleep. She looks so peaceful.
How could anyone want to hurt her. How could I hurt her. The way that I did. I can never hurt her again.  How could her own parents hurt her. I lay down on the bed with her and pull her close to me. I start rubbing her arm and I feel her move. She turns around and looks at me and grabs my cheek in her hand. She rubs it with her thumb. "Good afternoon princess." I sat softly. "Mmmm." She says stretching. "How long have I been asleep?" She asks. "Like an hour or two." I says kissing her. "Ok I need to change back into my real clothes." She says climbing out of bed. "What if I don't want any clothes on you?" I say pulling her back to bed. "Well you have things todo. So we can do thins later." She says pushing my arms off her. "Fine." I say frowning. She changes and leaves the room.  I walk downstairs and went in my office.
After you change you go downstairs and eat lunch. When you are done you to Toms office. "I am going to the mall for a bit. Ok?" You say. "Yeah no problem love. Just be back so we can finish what we started earlier." Tom says smiling. "Ok. See you later then." You say walking out the door.
You grab your lanyard and keys and start walking out of the house into the garage but are stopped by Tom yelling "Wait! Y/N!! I have something for you.
You turn around and he hands you pepper spray. "Just in case." Tom says smiling. You kiss him and walk in the garage. You get in tour car and drive to the mall. You walk around for a while before heading to the food court to get lunch. You get your lunch and sit down at a table. Just then someone who you don't know comes and sits by you. "Hi! My names Violet! What's yours?" Violet says. "Oh um my name is Y/N." You say taking a bite if your food. "That's a cool name, so are you here alone or what?" Violet asks. "Yeah my boyfriend is busy working and I was bored so I came to the mall." You say. "Would you like to be friends?" Violet asks. "Oh yeah I would love to be friends. I don't have any." You say. You and violet exchanged numbers and hung out at the mall. Hours have past and you hear a loud voice say "The mall will be closing in five minutes. Was it already 8:30!? "Oh shit ahhh violet I have to go I have like a hour drive back. I will call you tomorrow!" You say to her running out of the mall. You quickly get in your car and drive home.

    When you get home it's around 9:45 you walk across the kitchen to go upstairs. You feel arm wrap around your waist and someone start kissing your neck. You feel a shock of energy go through you. Tom was really to keep to his promise of doing it when I got back. You feel his hand start to go up your shirt. Toms hands always went up your shirt a little when you guys were kissing but this was different. "Tom are we really going to do this no while harry could be around." You tilting your neck to give him more access. "Oh I don't think that he will mind." The voice that you thought would be Toms but was Harrison's. You try to grab his hands and pull the out of your shirt. He grabs your hands and throws you against the wall and pins you there. He smells bad like alcohol. You try to scream for help but he silenced you by connecting his lips with yours. He taste like alcohol. He's drunk. He raises his knee up in between your legs all the way up and keeps it there so you can't close your legs. You wait till he moves it the swing your leg forwards and hard as you can and kick him it the balls. He yells out in pain and moves his hands and reaches down there. You take the opportunity to run. You are almost to the stay when you here him yell. "YOU BITCH GET BACK HERE!!" Then he grabs a handful of your hair and yanks you back as hard as he can. You go flying backwards and land hard on the floor. The wind gets knocked out of you. Harrison gets on top of you and you remember that Tom gave you pepper spray. You pull it out of your pocket and spray Harrison. "AHHH YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Harrison yells. You run upstairs and bust into Toms room. He's not there. You run down the hall into your room. You lock the door. You turn around and see Tim on the bed. He has sat up and has a worried expression on his face. "What happened Y/N?" "Harrison-" you start but are intrupted by a sob. You finally  calm down enough to yell Tom what happened. After you finish you look up at Tom and he has a look of rage. You hear a loud bang on the door. You flinch and look over. Then you hear the banging continue and you hear Harrison yell. "OPEN UP YOU BITCH!! OPEN NOW OR I WILL YELL TOM WHAT HAPPENED AND MAKE IT SEEM LIKE YOU FAULT!!" Tom looks over at you and says. "Don't worry I will take care of him." He stands and walks over to the door. He swings it open and says. "She told me what happened dick." And with one swift movement he punches Harrison. Harrison stumbles backwards and takes a lousy swing at Tom. Tom takes another swing and knock Harrison out cold. His guards pick up Harrison and throw him outside. Tom comes back in and help you get cleaned up. He softly removed your now messy makeup. The hot you clothes to change into. Then he helps you brush out your hair from Harrison pulling it. You put it up in a ponytail. You and Tom fall asleep Tom holding you as close to him as possible. He kisses the top of you head. "Don't worry princess I will always protect you and trust you most." Tom says as you drift off to sleep.


Love you all!! ❤️❤️ ❤️

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