Your safe. I promise.

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I know her and I want to know everything that happens after I left." I say. "All right mate I will try" Harrison said. Just then you hear. HELP!!! AHHH!! SAVE ME!!!

~~ •• ~~
You walk out into the hallway and down the hall you see a person. You soon realize that is it a man. "Tom?"
You say. Just then the man runs up to you and grabs you by your waist and pulls you close. You don't have any idea who he is. He then pushes up up against the wall and starts to kiss you. You try slapping him to get him away. He just grabs your hands with one of his and hold them down. He then starts to slide his hand up the top part of your dress Then let's go of your hands and grabbed you ass. You start screaming. " HELP!! AHH!! SAVE ME!!!" Just then you are ripped away from him. You look back and its Tom. He then hands you to Harrison. And he try's to calm you. While Tom punches the man. He calls his guards to come get him and take him to the basement. When they pull him away you fall to the ground crying. Tom comes over and picks you up. You lay you head on his shoulder crying. He sets you on your bed. He sat with you stroking your hair saying softly. "It's ok princess I am here now. Your safe. I promise. It's ok." And you sat there with your face buried in his shoulder. When you stopped crying he hugged you and said. "I have to go take care of him." Tom said softly. "What is his name?" You ask. "His name is Mason." He said standing up. "I will have Harrison stand out side your door. To keep you safe until I get back. You nod wiping away you tears.


I leave Y/N's room. "THAT DICK!! WHAT A SON OF A BITCH!! THAT BASTARD!! THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM!! "I yell. "I don't know mate. Is she ok?" Harrison said. "She will be. BUT HE WON'T." I say. "Stay here. Please" I ask Harrison. "Of course mate." He said
I head down to the basement. There is Mason tied to a chair. "Please!" He sobs "I had - no idea - she was your. He said between sobs. "Well you should have thought about that before you FUCKING GROPED MY GIRL LIKE THAT YOU ASSHOLE!!" I yelled. I picked up a gun. "Do you like to see girls like that?Like the way she was screaming and crying." I ask "..." he said nothing. "WELL DO YOU!?!?" I say a I shot him in the left leg. "shit!! No no I don't!" He said. "I think that you do. Well let's see how well you can see them with out eyes. Then I shoot both his eyes. Blood sprays everywhere. He screams then dies. "Clean this up." I say as I head back up the stairs.



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