Thats cute

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You say through gritted teeth with hot tears rolling down your cheeks. "Well I guess I taught you well then princess if you are feeling comfortable enough to threaten Harrison." You hear Tom say chuckling a little bit. "I am sorry Tom.Harrison kept bugging me and it pissed me off. I thought that you where him again." You say still hugging your knees.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOUR POV

"Can I come in?" You hear Tom ask. You stand up and walk over to the door and unlock it.
"Can I come in?" I ask. I hear her get up and unlock the door. After waiting for a few seconds she opened the door. She didn't have he jeans in anymore but she had shorts on. I looked up at her and her face is stained with tears her eyes puffy and red from crying. She stands there holding her arm. I walk up to her and hold her face in my hands softly wiping the tears away with my thumbs. I hug her and she started to cry again. We slide down to the floors, and she burys her head in my chest. We sit there in the floor for 10-20 minutes her crying and me just holding her being there for her. A few minutes later Harrison comes in. I look up and glare at him. He gets the message and leaves.
She stops crying and looks up at me and says "I am sorry." "Hey you have nothing to be sorry about." I say back wiping away her tears. "You must have things to do and you are just sitting her with me while I cry my eyes out like a baby." She says. "Hey" I say my voice getting stern. "You are not a baby. Anyone that just found out that the parents don't want or love them would be the same way." She looks up at me and wipes her tears away with her sleeve. She started to stand up so I help her get up. She looks up at me and we kiss. She says "I love you Tom." "I love you too." I say hugging her again. She leave to go take a shower and clean up. I go to my office to talk to Harrison. I go in my office and Harrison is sitting in one of the chairs in front of my desk.
I say nothing and sit down in my chair a crossed the desk from him. We sit there in silence for a while. "Why would you not leave Y/N alone?" I finally ask. "I was just worried about her." He responded. "SO THAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO BUG THE SHIT OUT OF HER!!!" I yell slamming my hand in my desk. Harrison flinched. "No." He says. "I can't even with you right now. Get the fuck out of my office." I say. I start looking at all the paperwork on my desk. After 15 minutes Y/N comes in. She looks beautiful.

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