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She pathetic." Your dad says. You stop crying and stand still looking at him. "I don't see how anyone could love you. You so weak and ugly. There is not one ounce of love for you in my body." Your stepmother says. You run out of the basement crying. You lock yourself in you bathroom.
You sit down on the floor and you pull you knees up to you chest and start crying again. You hear muffled yells followed by four gunshots. I hope that Tom shot them. You can't breathe anymore you have been crying so hard and long. Just then there is a knock. "Y/N? Are you in here?" You hear Harrison ask. "Yes. But I want to be alone right now." You reply though sobs . "Y/N just come out we can talk." You hear him say. "Thank you for the offer Harrison but I want to be alone right now." You say tears still rolling down you cheek you also are getting irritated with him.. "Y/N just come out." He says. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HARRISON GO THE FUCK AWAY I WANT TO BE ALONE!!" You yell. You hear footsteps leaving the door. You pull your knees back up to your chest. You bury you face in then and start crying again. After a few minutes you hear a knock again. "God Harrison I swear to god if you don't leave me the fuck I promise I am going to kill you." You say through gritted teeth with hot tears rolling down your cheeks. "Well I guess I taught you well then princess if you are feeling comfortable enough to threaten Harrison." You hear Tom say chuckling a little bit. "I am sorry Tom.Harrison kept bugging me and it pissed me off. I thought that you where him again." You say still hugging your knees.


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