I love you

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A few minutes after you fall asleep he pulls you closer in to him so your back is right against his chest and you can smell his  cologne. You lean your head back and rest it in his shoulder. You take on more smell of  his cologne and you soon fall asleep.

I wake up before Y/N and go down stairs to my office and call Harrison in. "What did you find on her?" I ask Harrison as he walks in the room. "Well... it's not good. A few years after you left her Mom died and her Father married her stepmother Rose. Her father devolved a drinking problem and a gambling one to. Rose who beat Y/N up on the daily. She would not feed Y/N much also." Harrison said. "HOW COULD I NOT RELISE THAT!!! OF COURSE THAT IS WHY SHE HAD BRUISES ON HER!!! I AM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT!!!" I yelled. "Ok. Ok. Thank you Harrison." I says. "I have to go see her now. I will be back later for my meetings." I says leaving.

You wake up and Tom is not there. You think he is probably busy and will be done later. You get dressed in a yellow sunflower dress with some yellow flats.

 You get dressed in a yellow sunflower dress with some yellow flats

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After you change you head to the bathroom at do you make up and hair

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After you change you head to the bathroom at do you make up and hair. For your hair you do to double French braids.

After you are done you head down stairs for breakfast

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After you are done you head down stairs for breakfast. You sit at the table and you start shoveling food in your mouth. This is the first real meal you have had since your mom died. (So like 8 years.). After you finished eating you want to explore. you walk down the flight of stairs to the basement. When you walk in you see a man sitting in a chair. You go over to him and you soon realize that it is the man that was hurting you. As you get closer you see that his eyes and no longer there. You well you lose your breakfast and throw up. You run out of the basement and up to your room. You look to the front door but of course there is a guard standing there. So you start making a rope out of your clothes. You climbed down and ran. You ran until it was dark and you could not run any more. You collapsed on the side of the road. Then everything went black.

                 TOMS POV
I walk down to the basement. "Oh come on guys I said to CLEAN THIS UP!!!" "Y/N is going to see this." I say as I walk around the room. "Or it is to late now." I say seeing the throw up from her seeing it. I run up the stairs to her room. Seeing the open window and the rope. "DAMN IT!! She ran off." I yell. "We need to find her NOW!! I says running out of her room. Me and Harrison get in my black GMC and drive for a while before in the distance I could see a little yellow dot. She was in the sunflower dress you got her. I pulled over and walk over to her I pick her up her knees over my arm and her neck over my other arm. I get in the back and ask Harrison to drive back home. When we get home I walk up stairs to your room and change you into the sweats and hoodie you wore last night I go and change and get in bed with you. Snuggling up close to you as to not lose you ever again. I quietly whisper "I love you Y/N." I never want to lose you again.


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