Do you trust me now?

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We spend the rest of the night together watching movie and eating dinner then we walked to our rooms she got change in to her sweat outfit and I got in to blue shorts and no shirt. We spooned as we fell asleep.
I woke up only to be pulled back into bed. "No Y/N!! Stay in bed. Please🥺🥺." Tom said pulling me closer to him.
"Ok. Fine but only ten more minutes. Then we need to start doing our things." I say scooting closer. After ten minutes I climbed out of bed to go get dressed. (In that. ⬇️)


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Then you go back to the bed and wake Tom up

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Then you go back to the bed and wake Tom up. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!" You say hitting him with your pillow. "Ouch!! Ok ok Y/N!! I'm up I'm up!!" Tom said getting up of bed. He left of a few minutes and he came back. (In this ⬇️)

You both go down stairs for breakfast

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You both go down stairs for breakfast. After you are done eating Tom leaves the go do his meeting and you go to the library. You walk in and it is bigger that you ever imagined. There are shelf's Upon shelf's of books. After a couple of hours you wonder what Tom is up to. You first check his office and he is in there. You walk right in and sit on his lap. "Hello princess." Tom says sweetly. You look up and the are six men in black suits. You then feel Toms hands wrap around your waist. The men just sit there and stare at you. "Do I need to rip your fucking eyes out!" Tom yelled and his grip around you waist gets tight. He then loosened his grip and said. "WELL!! CONTINUE!!" The men finish talking and then left. "I am sorry about that love." Tom said. "It ok!" I say. "Hey umm mate remember you have that dinner party to go to tonight." Harrison said. "DUDE!!" Tom yelled pointing at me. "Oh sorry." Harrison said. "Oh can I please come🥺?" I asked. "No no it is not safe." Tom said. "Really? A dinner party? Not safe?" I say. "Please I promise I won't leave your side except when I need to go to the bathroom I promise🥺🥺🥺." I say. "Ok ok Fine." Tom said giving in. "YES!!. I am going to pick out something to wear." I say running up the stairs. "Ok but Y/N you have to wearer something NICE!!" Tom said.


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