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Clean this up." I say as I head back up the stairs.
You are still sitting on your bed with every now and then the urge to cry comes over you. You play back what happens over and over in your head. You then get up and go to get in the shower. Wanting to get the feel of him touching you off . You walk into the bathroom turn on the shower and get undressed. You get in to the shower scrubbing your skin until it feels like it is gone. You get out and you get into a cream colored sweat pants with the deepest pockets. With the matching hoodie. After you change you lay down. After a couple of minutes you hear a knock on the door. "Come in." You say. Tom walks in. "I see you have gotten settled good." Tom says. You give him a weak half smile. "Hey. Don't worry he won't be bugging you anymore." Tom said. "Ok." You say. Tom starts to leave the room. "WAIT!!! Um can you sleep in here tonight? Please." You say. "Yeah. I guess." He said. "Just let me go and change." He said leaving. He came back a few minutes later in black sweats and no shirt. You can't help but to stare a little at his chiseled abs. He got in bed with you. A few minutes after you fall asleep he pulls you closer in to him so your back is right against his chest and you can smell his cologne. You lean your head back and rest it in his shoulder. You take on more smell of his cologne and you soon fall asleep.



Love you all ❤️❤️❤️
P.S HOW MANY OF YOU START SCHOOL TOMORROW?!?!! Comment if you are or not if not when do you start??

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