I love you too

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ask Harrison to drive back home. When we get home I walk up stairs to your room and change you into the sweats and hoodie you wore last night I go and change and get in bed with you. Snuggling up close to you as to not lose you ever again.
You wake up spooning Tom. You quickly sit up. "What the hell happened last night?" You ask out loud. "Well princess... you ran away and me and Harrison came and found you." Tom says sitting up as well. You suddenly remember why you ran away. You quickly turn to Tom and say with a serious face. "Did you fucking kill him?" You say turning pale. "It had to be done." Tom replied. "That is not what I fucking asked. DID YOU FUCKING KILL THAT FUCKING MAN THAT IS IN  THE FUCKING BASEMENT!!!!?" You scream. ".....es" Tom murmured something quietly. "WHAT!?!?!!!" You yell. "YES OK Y E S. Did you hear me that fucking time!!! God!!! Why the hell don't you trust me!!" Tom yelled at you as he stormed out of your room slamming the door.
You sit there is silence. You suddenly feel scared of Tom. You start to cry. After ten minutes Harrison comes in. "Y/N are you ok?" He asked sitting next to you. "NO!!" You say sobbing. "What is wrong? I heard yelling." He said. "Me and Tom has a fight." You say sobbing.
"Ok. Ok. I will just check the cameras outside your room I can hear what you say. Just so that you don't have to tell me." Harrison said sweetly. He left the room you flop back and sit there for a minute then go get in the shower and change in to this.

 He left the room you flop back and sit there for a minute then go get in the shower and change in to this

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(This is what you hair looks like BTW.)


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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       TOMS POVI stormed out of Y/N's room

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                       TOMS POV
I stormed out of Y/N's room. I got down to my office. I sit there fuming.
After a few minutes Harrison comes in. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!! YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS!!" Harrison yelled. "What the hell are you talking about?" I ask. "THE FIGHT YOU AND Y/N HAD THIS MORNING!! YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO GET MAD!! SHE CLEARLY COULD NOT HEAR YOU. YOU FUCKING MORON!!!" He yelled. "Your right." I say. I am going to apologize to her." I say as I leave my office and go up to her room.
"Y/N?? Are you in here?? I wanted to say I am sorry." I say. Just then I am whipped around and her lips crash into mine. Her hands move up to my neck and mine move down to her waist. We sit there kissing for a while. Finally she says. "I am sorry to I understand what it is you do I just got freaked out. I also want to say apology is totally excepted. also I love you too!!" She says. "Wait you could hear me last night?" I ask. "Of course I could!" She says. We spend the rest of the night together watching movie and eating dinner then we walked to our rooms she got change in to her sweat outfit and I got in to blue shorts and no shirt. We spooned as we fell asleep.

SOOOOO?? This one was kind of long. ❤️❤️❤️

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