He crawled into bed with you and pulled you close and you two feel asleep spooning.
It's been a week since you got your tattoos. You have to go back today to get them checked. You wake up to Tom shaking you. He says something about him having a party tonight. You go get dressed and get in the wrangler and drive to the tattoo parlor.

 You go get dressed and get in the wrangler and drive to the tattoo parlor

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You walk in an head to the back room

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You walk in an head to the back room. Luke checks all your tattoos and says they look great. You drive back home and help Tom get ready for the party. The time is now. 6:30 and all the guests start to show up. You mostly stay with Tom throughout the night. "I need a drink." You say. You walk over to the bar. "What can I get you?" The bartender asks. "A screwdriver please." You say. "More or less vodka?" The man asks. "More." You say. The bartender finished making you drink and hands it to you. You take it and take a sip. Pretty good. You have just finished your drink and you set your empty cup at the bar and start walking back towards Tom. On you way there someone grabs you by your waist. "Hey sexy." They say and its is not Toms voice. You try to pull away but they have a tight hold on your wrist. "Let go of me!!" You shout. "Listen here sweetie." The man says pulling close to him. "Can I help you?" You hear Tom ask. You try to pull away again but the man still has a tight grip on your wrist. "We don't need an help here." The man says pulling you close again. "Let me the fuck go!" You yell smacking the man. He let's you go and you walk to Tom and hug him. "Are you ok princess?" Tom asks hugging you tight to him. You look down at your wrist a rub it. "I will be." You hear someone behind you stand up and then yell. "LISTEN HERE YOU BITCH!!" Then you feel someone grab your wrist and yank you as hard as they can you are now facing them. You were then punch very hard you fell to the ground holding you cheek. It all happened so fast. You felt liquid in your mouth you spit it out and it is blood. You hear Tom yell "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" You hear someone get punched you assume that is was the man. You hope it was not Tom. Holding your now swollen cheek and stand up. Everyone is looking at what is going on now. You look over to where the main focus is. It is Tom and the man fighting. Tom is in the floor the man on top of him punching him over and over again. "STOP IT!! STOO IT!!" You scream running over to them trying to pull the man off. The man gets off him and pushes you down to the ground and kicks you hard in the ribs. You yell and roll over in pain. Tom gets up and calls security. They take the man out of the house. "The party's over. Everyone get the fuck out of my house now." Everyone leaves the house and soon it is quite. Then everything goes black. A few minutes later you feel Tom shaking you. You open your eyes. You are still on the floor. All the pain all at once rushed into your body. You start crying. "Hey hey. It's ok." You hear Tom say picking you up. You wince in pain your ribs feel like they are broken. Tom takes you to the car. He gently sets you down in the seat and gets in in the other side. He rushes you and him to the hospital on the way there everything goes black again. You wake up to the sun shining in your face. You try to sit up but you feel a shot of pain in your right side. You pull off the blanket that is on you and climbed out of the hospital bed. You walked over to a mirror and lift up you shirt. That you guess that Tom changed you into. And your whole waist is wrapped in a ace bandage. You look at your face and there is a huge bruise on it and it is very swollen you can't even open you mouth all the way. You walk over Tom Tom who is still asleep and his face has bruises all over to and cuts. You lift up his shirt and he has a few bruises but not many. Later that day the nurse comes in and tells you what happened to your ribs. Thankfully they aren't broken. Just very badly bruised all the muscles is bruised. You and Tom get released and you go home.
A week after you are still bruised you face is not swollen anymore but still bruised. You are walking around the house it's around 9:30 pm and Tom comes and starts kissing your neck. "I'm hungry." He says. "Well I can make you some food." You say back. "No I'm not hungry for food." Tom says smiling. "Oh?" You say. Tom then picks you up and carry's you up the stairs to his room. You go in his bathroom Tom takes all your clothes off but your bra and panties. You take his shirt off. You starts to kiss up and down your neck. You feel his hands start to travel down you back and grab you ass. A cheek in each hand. You moan a little into the kiss. "You like that?" Tom ask. He picks you up so your legs wrap around his waist. He starts walking out of the bathroom still holding on to your ass. You jump a little when you feel Tom smack you ass hard. He sets you on the bed. He starts to kiss down you neck when there was a knock on the door. You quickly detach from Tom and run into his closet and grabbed one of his shirts and throw it on. You walk out and Tom had opened the door. It was Harrison. 😡(cock block 🤣🤣🤣) "can I help you mate?!" You hear Tom say irritated. "Just heard some noise. Oh hey Y/N." Harrison says smiling. He knew damn well why there was noise. "You can leave us now." Tom says shutting the door in him. You don't hear Harrison leave. "Well I don't think that he is going to leave." You say. "Yeah I think so too." Tom says. You both lay down in Toms bed and fall asleep.


Cock Block.
That is why the chapter is called

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