I Just Change Your Bandages

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I was busy changing the sheets in the small hospital when he came in. Everyone turned to see what the commotion was, his two friends dragged him in, and frantically asked for help. He looked dead already, and I went back to folding the dirty sheets, it wasn't polite to stare. My shift was over anyway, so I slipped out quietly so the head nurse could pull off a miracle.

The next day I came to work, and I was surprised that he was still in the hospital and somehow breathing. His two friends sat on either side of him, one fidgeted with their seat while the other looked solemn at the ground. I looked away and went to the back to change into my uniform.

The head nurse scuffled over to me. "Tao, could you give that young boy over some new bandages and a cold press?"

"Of course." I lowered my voice. "Is he going to make it?"

She shook her head. "I'm not too sure. He must have some fractured ribs and hasn't woken up yet." she let out a deep sigh.

I went to bed and nodded to his friends, telling themI would be tending to their friend and to ask if they needed anything. His face managed to look sad in a coma. I unwrapped the bandages around his chest and wrist. The middle of his sternum had a dark bruise and surrounded by various cuts and his wrist was swollen and purple. I cringed a little and rubbed some ointment on all his scattered cuts and bruises and replaced all his bandages and put a cold rag in his forehead. "Let me know when it gets too warm, and I'll change it."

His friend, with a hat, nodded.

This routine continued for a week and a half before any results began to show with his bruises getting ever so slightly getting lighter and his cuts closing up. He needed stitches on some of his wounds, and he would need to stay in bed for at least a few more weeks. It took another week before he opened his weary eyes.

I came into the hospital like every other morning, as soon as I walked through the door, the head nurse rush over. "He's awake!" she whispered.

I beamed down at her and hurried over as soon as I changed. His faithful friends had propped him up and tried to get him to drink some medicine when I met his dark eyes for the first time. I was so used to seeing his face relaxed that I was a little taken aback when I saw his face was hardened and stern. He gave me a crooked smile, and I felt my cheeks heat up, but I gave him a small smile in return. "I'm glad you're awake." I immediately regretted saying this because it felt awkward and stupid, but what else was I supposed to say to the boy in a coma I had been caring for?

He grinned. "Yeah. Thanks for taking care of me." he looked at the cup in his hand, then met my eyes again. "It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Jet" he reached out a hand but immediately recoiled in pain.

"Don't overdo it, Jet." His friend hissed. I had never actually talked to either one of his friends, and this was my first time hearing their rough voice.

I gave another smile to Jet, I pitied him because it hurt to even offer a handshake. "Uhm... I usually change your bandages in the morning so..." I walked forward a little awkwardly. It was much different when he was unconscious.

"Oh- sure," he held his arms out a little awkwardly.

I sat on the edge of his been and undid the loose robe around his waist. I felt my face heat up, and I made sure not to make eye contact with anyone as I undid the old bandages. I saw him from the corner of my eye grimace at the puss and dried scabs on the bandages. I chuckled a little. "Don't worry, it used to be a lot worse." I started unrolling the new bandages. "You've actually been healing pretty well."

He scoffed and didn't say anything else.

"L-let me know if it's too tight... or anything..." I said in a small voice.


I looked up and met his black eyes and immediately looked away. "Let me know if it feels to tight."

"It doesn't so far."

I nodded and continued wrapping his chest. I hadn't paid much attention before, but he had a muscular muscle definition. My face felt like it was on fire. When I finished, Jet thanked me, and I bowed my head to him and his friends and went to attend to some other patients, and my other chose at the clinic.

Before I left, I checked in with Jet to make sure that he would be okay for the night, and he told me he would be perfectly fine. "I suppose we haven't really introduced ourselves, I'm Smellerbee, and this is Longshot. Thank you for taking care of our friend."

I smiled and introduced myself. "Of course, I hope you get better soon." I turned and went to change back into my regular clothes.

On my way home, I picked up some flowers for Gram, my childhood friend's grandmother, whom I was living with. She seemed to have a green thumb, but there was no room for a garden, so I made a habit of picking flowers up. When I finally got home, no lights were, so I assumed no one was home. I went to make my evening tea and filled the kettle on and put it on the stove.

The blinders were closed, so I watched a tiny flame bounce off my fingertips.

     The blinders were closed, so I watched a tiny flame bounce off my fingertips

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