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I led everyone down the stairs and was followed by fervent whispering. I kept moving in fear that Jet and his friends would gang up on me, and I would be left unground with no one knowing what had happened. The stairs seemed to go on forever, but finally, we were led to an open carven space with four different leading off. There were wooden signs at each entrance. I stood in the middle of the room and used two hands to make a large enough flame to light up the entire cavern as Jet and his friends looked at each sign and decided where to go. I counted three others there besides Jet, Longshot, and Smellerbee. If they were to gang up on me, I'm sure they probably could, especially after having to continually firebend. Jet hollered at me, and I rushed over. He picked the entrance that was second last to the right. They all stepped back, indicating that I would go first again.

"Okay, everyone watch out, because some of these tunnels have caved, and they might collapse." Jet warned, and I headed into the dark. Every now and again, I sent a fire blast down the musty hallway to see if it would end or if there was a turn up ahead.

The longer we were down there, the more my mind began to run. What would happen if it caved in and I have stuck down here alone, I would have to die a slow and dark death? Or the constant worry of Jet and his friends taking their rage geared at the fire nation onto me. What happened to Yun and Gram, I hoped Gram could find one of these tunnels, I suspected that she had known about them. And even if I did make it out alive, what would happen from there, I would probably have no use for Jet unless I was going to escort him and his crew around, but they would probably light and hang torches. I felt weary of the emotions and shock that had been from the past three days. My mind was screaming these things at me, and I was so zoned out that I had failed to hear Jet nor the crumbling ceiling until it started falling.

My flame blew out, and I sprinted as fast as I could down the tunnel and did not look back. I ran until I didn't hear the rubble anymore. When I lit a flame again, I realized that I ran farther than I needed to and hurried to earth's wall.

I screamed for Jet through the rocks, and I could hear him calling. "Jet... Jet, I'm sorry I didn't realize... you have no light..." I sobbed through the cracks.

"Tao! Tao! Are you hurt- did a boulder get you- Tao!"

"I'm fine," I cried. "I'm sorry for lying... I don't want to die here Jet... I'm sorry for firebending I didn't mean to-"

I could make out Jet's voiceless urgent. "What?"

"I promise once we get out..." I sobbed harder. "I'll never firebend again... don't leave... don't leave me here..."

"Tao- just stay there- don't go any further!" He yelled back.

I felt the walls closing in around me and sealing my coffin.

By the time I woke up, I heard muffled voices and tried to open my eyes, but the light hurt them.

"Tao- Tao, are you awake?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Mm," I cracked my eyes open and saw Yun's shadowy frame and wavy hair. "What a cruel joke, God..."

"Tao- its Yun."

I lay still then sat right up. I looked to see Yun grinning down at me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. And he pulled me up off the bed and swung me around. When he put me down, I grinned at him, then looked around for Gram and saw her in the doorway standing with Jet. I rushed over and hugged her as well.

Jet x Reader/OC Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now