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I rolled over the next morning and found myself looking at Jet, still asleep. Unlike falling asleep at Yun's bedside where our hands had always found each other, Jet and I were in no way touching. I had almost forgotten that we spent the entire night arguing, essentially, who was better... or messed up the least amount. I couldn't get past the fact he tried to wipe out an entire village, that could've been my village, and he was still somewhat in shock and felt deeply betrayed. I had accepted that he did the things he did because he was still holding in so much spite to the point that he could no longer see a group of innocent people, only a nation. And he finally soaked in that I did not want to hide the fact that I was a firebender, but only did so to protect my helpless village. By the time we came to face these truths, our eyelids were heavy, and heads rested on the pillow. I lay next to Jet and looked at his face, wholly softened and drastically different from the expression he had worn for the past week. I realized that I hadn't seen him look this peaceful since he fell into a coma and that even then, I always felt a pull towards him that I could never shake. His eyelids finally fluttered open, and he groaned and rolled onto his back.

He looked over, and his eyes widened, and he sat straight up, patting his bare chest and pants as if he had lost something. "Oh my- we didn't- right- we didn't-" he stuttered.

"Are you dumb?" I propped myself up on my elbow. "No. We yelled at each other all night until we fell asleep."

He smiled a little and rubbed his eyes. "That's right." he flopped back on the bed and turned and looked at me. After a moment he smirked, "But tonight-"

"No." I got up to leave, and he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. I felt his heart beating against my back.

"Just for a minute." he murmured.

As soon as we opened the door, the air instantly got warmer, and in the Main Hall, some pairs were still sparring, and some were just firebending.

"What is wrong with you people?"

"Hey. We haven't actually firebent in almost a year. Everyone is excited about having this space too." I looked up at him. "Do you want-"

"Hey Tao!" a loud voice boomed across the Main Hall, and my attention was diverted to it. Yun nodded his head, indicating to go over to him."

"Well, I'll see you-" I faced Jet again.

"Yeah, yeah." Jet turned and walked down the boys' rooms.

I found Yun sitting at a table with two plates of some tasty looking meat and vegetables. "Thank god the Huang's are back." Yun piled some food into his mouth. "Their cooking is unmatched."I agreed and dug in. Yun was correct. "How did everyone know when to get up anyway?"

"Well, Gram woke everyone but Jet's crew up." he fell silent for a moment. "Where were you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Gram said that you weren't in your room this morning?" he said quietly.

"Oh..." I laughed uncomfortably. "I got up early to talk to Jet about some stuff."

"Oh. Well, I guess now you don't have to worry about being a firebender around him, right?"


"Well, the Zhangs wanted to talk to you since you haven't been able to see anyone since you started working at the clinic, and they said both their lower backs are giving them hell."

"Oh that's right, I'll go talk to them after breakfast."

I found the eldest couple in the village and brought them back to an empty room no one was staying in and loosen their lower backs. I suppose more people heard that I could give massages again, and my old patients came flooding in all day. I was happy to get back to what I loved with everyone. When everyone seemed taken care of, it was late in the afternoon, and I was exhausted.

I heard another knock on the door, and Jet entered.


"Just lay down here. Is it your shoulders or chest that's uncomfortable?"

"Oh no-" he rubbed the back of his neck. "I found this cool spot in the inner rim if you want to go."

"Oh." I blushed and turned away. "Yeah, sure, let me change real quick."

I pulled my earth nations gown on and met Jet outside the down. "Aren't we supposed to tell Gram if we're going out?"

"You guys aren't. We can do whatever." he smiled.

I nearly tripped over myself, climbing the stairs that lead to the entrance under the bridge. Jet led me through the town to a small park with some shrubbery and couples sitting on benches and families playing in the grass. Jet continued past the park to an area littered with trees and a small and unmaintained path leading through them and stopped at a tiny hill. Jet helped me climb up to the top and sat against the oak tree at the top.

"Different feel from the clearing you took me to last time," I said and sat next to him.

"Yeah, well, I thought you could use a break."

"Thank you." we watched the sun go down behind the wall.

"It would probably look better without a huge ass wall."

I chuckled. "Yeah, but I don't think that watching the sunset with someone is entirely to actually watch a sunset."

"Then what's the purpose?"

"To be able to share it." I looked up and smiled.

"Then I'm glad I brought you here."

He leaned down and brushed his lips tenderly next to mine, unsure if he should thoroughly kiss me. I grabbed his shirt gently and drew him a little closer.

"Jet-" our heads were still bent together, but I failed to meet his eyes. "What are we doing?"

"I don't know. Being selfish, I guess." He leaned back again and gazed at the sun that had almost completely disappeared behind the wall. "I can't keep myself from you. I don't think I want to anymore. But we're still fugitives anyways."

I played with the grass. "Yeah, I guess so."

Jet stood up and reached out a hand that I took. He held me for a moment then began to start sway and taking tiny steps, and I followed his lead.

"Wha- what are you doing?"

He smiled down at me. "Sparring, what did you think?"

I grinned. "I hate you."

"You said it looked like dancing yesterday."

"Yeah well, it do-"

"Look, I'm not very good with this type of stuff, so just pretend."

"Yeah, you tried to kill me on our first date."

"I keep telling you I did not!"

I laughed out loud for the first time in weeks and leaned my head against his chest.

(Anyway... who do you think Tao should end up w ? Yun or Jet  ??)

Jet x Reader/OC Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now