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I felt Gram smack the back of my head. "Do you have a death wish?"

"I Hate spark rocks..." I mumbled.

"I don't care!" she lit a candle and opened the shades, so moonlight flooded in. "We managed to make it this far, I'm not dying here."

I chuckled. "Sorry, sorry, Gram." I looked down at her. "You'll get off though, you can earthbend."

She let out a loud laugh and didn't say anything else. "I would never leave you and my grandson." she frowned at me. "You look too much like a firebender."

I shrugged and poured myself some tea. "Earth kingdom outfits are ugly..."

She gave me a look and made her way upstairs.

The next morning I woke up and got ready, putting half of my hair in a low, traditional fire nation bun and swept the remaining of my long black hair over my shoulder. I tucked my usually sleeveless robe into my belt and slipped a long black skirt with high slits reaching my thigh. I had pants that were secured with knee-high pointed boots. The only thing earth bender about my usual outfit was that it was different shades of green. No one else seemed to mind my clothes, probably because in our area of the city there was stranger looking people. I hated the earth nation outfits because they were mainly long robes that were hard to move in. My outfit at work was that primarily and my first week, I kept tripping over myself. 

"Hey, scoot." Yun walked into the bathroom and reached for his toothbrush. I elbowed him in the ribs on my way out. I had been friends with Yun since we were 6 and had shared practically everything... except a bathroom- until now.

When I arrived at work, I immediately made my way to Jet's bed, where he and his friends leaned in close and talked in hushed voices. As I approached, they all leaned back and said, good morning. Jet stretched out his arms, and we started our new routine again. As I was unwrapping his old bandages, the head nurse came over to drop off some new ointment and asked if I could put it on his remaining cuts. I nodded. "This is a new ointment from yesterday. It stings a little, but it should really help your cuts closing up."


Most of the cuts were around the bruise on his chest. I dabbed a little on my fingertip and rubbed them gently on his chest. My face felt like it was on fire again, and I was beginning to get annoyed with this sensation. "D-does it feel okay?" I asked. Of course, it didn't, this ointment stings like a bitch, I knew that.

Jet nodded. "Yeah, it's not too bad." I glanced up. He was looking away, and his brow was furrowed. I smiled to myself. I wrapped him up and checked on his wrist, which seemed to almost be healed.

"You'll probably be able to do that yourself soon... if it's not too uncomfortable for you."

Jet nodded and smiled. "Thanks again."

I bowed my head and continued my regular rounds. I would steal a few glances at Jet, but he always seemed to be in a serious conversation with his friends. Only once did our eyes meet, and I immediately looked away. Around noon the head nurse asked me to deliver meals to all the patients. I hadn't done this since I first started working since it was usually a job for newbies, but our new hire was under the weather, so everyone's least favorite responsibility fell onto me. I felt terrible about serving disgusting food to the patients, but we were a tiny clinic and had basically no budget. I eventually got around to Jet and placed the tray with a bowl of rice and some disgusting stew on his lap.

"Sorry." I gave him a look of pity.

He looked from the tray to me. "Did you make this?"

"Hell no," I said immediately before realizing that it was probably indecent to use vulgarity, especially with a patient. "Uh- sorry... Let me know if you need anything else..."

He smirked. "I can't think of anything at the moment."

I bowed my head and went the serve the others.

I was able to get off early and relax a little at home. Yun came back from work a few minutes after I did. "Hey, you wanna go spar?"

I grinned. "Of course." We headed to the back of the house, where trapdoor leads to a cellar. The cellar, however, led to a small underground arena that Gram earthbended for me, Yun, and a few of our friends. The only problem was there wasn't too much ventilation, and we couldn't stay for too long. Yun and I practiced our firebending and spar a little before it was too hot, and we were drenched in sweat.

"I wish we could actually spar." he groaned.

"Yeah, well, if you want to die, be my guest."

"You sound like Gram."

I elbowed him in the ribs.

"We're not even bad people..." he mumbled.

I sighed and took a seat at the kitchen table. "I know but who would believe a bunch of firebenders that yeah, sure, we are firebenders, and yes, our nation did start the 100-year war, but we actually hate our nation."

"Gram could try... she lived with us as an earthben-"

"Absolutely not Yun, we talked about this. That would absolutely get all of us killed."

"But mayb-"

"No. No one will accept 'firebending refugees.'"

Yun looked away and offered to make some tea.

(Also super quick sketch of Tao)

(Also super quick sketch of Tao)

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