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The rest of the evening seemed like a dream, and everything just blurred altogether. Jet was awarded a large money reward and gave me a peck on the cheek as thanks... Jet disappeared somewhere when we got off the arena... Yun didn't talk on the way back home... I went to bed with my head spinning...

I woke up the next morning for work. Yun was sitting in the kitchen, cooking eggs. I took a seat at the table. "Make me some too."

Yun didn't say anything but cracked another egg. "You shouldn't get involved with him anymore," he said dimly.


"You can stop lying to yourself about it working out. It can't, Tao, you know that." He slid some scrambled eggs on my plate.

"I know... I know..." I looked away from him.

"Tao, you can't."

"I know!"

We ate the rest of the breakfast in silence.

When my shift finally ended, I was about to walk out when I saw Jet's shadow hovering near the front entrance. I turned around and went out the back door. My heart plummeted. I had been replaying the later part of our match in my head all day. I knew that I had to stop this before it got too far for both of our sakes. I hadn't come up with an excuse to stop seeing him yet, so I would have to avoid him for now. My heart got heavier with every step I took, and I didn't know how I could manage to drag it on the way home. The feeling of knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep seeing him burdened me more than the thought of him finding out I was a firebender. I let my selfishness guide me, ran back to the clinic, threw the back door open, and sprinted out the front. Jet wasn't there anymore. I scanned frantically for him and spotted him further down the street, walking away. I ran as fast as I could towards him, and when he was finally in my reach, I grabbed his waist and threw my arms around him and didn't let go.

"Hey there. The nurse said you went out the back so-"

"I ended up going out the front." I loosened my arms, and he turned around and smiled at me.

"I'm glad you changed your mind." the smile slid off his face. "I probably won't be able to come around for the next week or so."


His smile returned.

The next week went by slower than any other week I had ever had. Jet had taken over my mind, and it seemed to get worse every day. The longing to see Jet overwhelmed my anxiety about being a firebender. I had been hopeful every day that he might stop by. I started to formulate what he might be doing. Perhaps he was seeing someone else- we weren't official, so if he really wanted to, he could. I started feeling sick a lot from crippling anxiety to being elated and overly excited. I hated both feelings. I had never felt anything quite like this... it all felt so sudden and made my entire body ache.

After my long week of waiting, a second week more terrible than the first oozed by. I almost threw up a few times from the knots squirming in my stomach constantly.

It was two and a half weeks before Jet picked me up from work. He looked darker and cross than he had before. However, when I rushed out of the clinic, he held open his arms and threw my arms around his neck.

"Hey, Ms. Nurse," he mumbled in my ear softly. He ran a hand across my cheek, lowered his lips to mine, and drew me into a passionate kiss. "Sorry, I couldn't help it..."

I smiled. "Neither could I."

On our way to Gram's house, I couldn't refrain from asking, "What happened."

Jet shoved his hands in his pockets. "More arena fights, Smellerbee and Longshot made me do them since it brings in easy money." he paused. "We heard firebenders were in Ba Sing Sa."

My heart took off, and my stomach erupted. I could see my heart pounding away in my chest from anxiety. "Oh no,... do you think there are?"

He scratched his head. "I'm not sure what to think anymore... but we heard something about this crazy good welder. Apparently, it's something about how he stokes the fire and manages to melt the metal insanely fast and finishes his work in a day, High-quality swords. It usually takes a week or so. We could be wrong, I'm not sure." he said grimly. He must've seen some expression on my face. "Don't worry, its probably nothing. And if it is, I'll keep the outer rim safe for you."

I smiled weakly and nodded. After a while, I stopped walking and grabbed my stomach. "Listen, 

Jet, I can walk back the rest of the way on my own... I'm not feeling well..."

He frowned. "Then, I'm definitely taking you back all the way."

"No.," I snapped. "Please... besides Gram is paranoid with strangers and hasn't been feeling well herself anyway..."

I couldn't see Jet's expression, but I felt his arms around my shoulders. He didn't say another word and walked in the opposite direction. When I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, I sprinted home and flew the door open to Yun's room. He was lying in bed, making a flame shuffle on his knuckles, and jumped when he saw me.

"You gave me a heart attack..."

"What's going on?" Gram yelling from the other room.

"Nothing, nothing," I replied, then lowered my voice. "Yun, you have to stop adjusting the heat or whatever it is... people are suspecting you're a firbender."

Yun sat up. "What? Where did you hear that?"

"I overheard some patients at the clinic." I threw my arms around his neck. "Don't do anything stupid."

Yun smiled back at me. "I won't, I won't; don't worry about it. I'll burn myself and say that I need a break. A firebender would never get burnt."

"Sounds good."

I spent my day off waiting for Yun to come home earlier with a fresh burn. Around the afternoon, he strolled in beaming. And showed me the new wound he had branded himself on his arm. I grabbed ice and cold water. Yun spent the rest of the day in his room after Gram scolded him for being so careless. I replaced the cold compresses and ice all evening. I was at the table reading a book and drinking some tea when there was a knock at my door. I cracked it open to see Jet and then opened it a little more.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah, a little bit, you?"

"I'm alright. Care for a walk?"

I slipped out the door and walked with him until we reached a bench and sat down.

"I don't want to freak you out but, I think your roommate is a firebender."

Jet x Reader/OC Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now