One Last Time

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It was another few days before I saw Jet. At that time, I was not anticipating his next visit. I nursed the few patients we had during the day, and at Yun's bedside at night, on more than one occasion, I fell asleep in my chair next to his bed. When I woke up, Yun's hand was always covering mine and made me smile first thing every morning. He felt terrible that I still had to take care of him and argued many times that he was fine and didn't need any assistance since he was fine during the day, but I knew full well the Gram was always helping him out. I was more than happy to help Yun since it was my fault I had allowed Jet to become this large a part of my life, and it helped keep my mind busy every evening. I was afraid I was going to die from worry.

"Tao, you know you can't see him anymore," Yun said to me one night.

"I know, you've told me a bunch of times."

"I'm serious."

"I was planning that the next time I see him, I would tell him... something..." I muttered.

"Just tell him you don't like him."

"But I do! I can't lie about that..."

"Yeah, but lying about being a firebender, no problem," I said sarcastically.

"Shut up."

"Just tell him you're engaged."

"He knows I'm not."

"Well, things can change." He hoisted me by the shoulders into his bed.

"Let go, you perv." I laughed, and I laid my head on his lap. "I'll think of something."

Gram's knees hurt too much to get groceries, so I made my way to the market to pick up a few things and some more painkillers for Gram and Yun. Stopping at the vegetable stand, I noticed a familiar cone hat from the corner of my eye but didn't think anything. Then I heard a familiar high pitched and raspy voice, and it finally registered that they were Jet's friends. I hunched over the apples and began inspecting each one with great interest. They stopped at a booth behind me.

"Jet, you need to let it go, all the rumors have pretty much been investigated by the others, and everyone under question turned out to be normal," Smellerbee said earnestly.

I let out the deep sigh I had been holding in all week.

"You can't be too sure. I know I saw that old man firebend his tea and his son had a scar of his own..."

"Jet. We're done with this nonsense."

"Besides, you heard everyone else- there are firebenders in the capital."

I frowned at the apple I had been looking at for the past two minutes. No one that came from our village had even made it in the second ring. There was no way any refugees could, and we wouldn't want to; in the outer rim, there were far more people to blend in with.


"Okay, okay. We're just here as normal refugees."

I snuck away from the booth.

"Hey- Tao!" I heard Jet call me.

I spun around and acted surprised as if I had just past them, and neither saw nor heard them. 

"Oh, hey. Fancy seeing you here."

Smellerbee gave a small wave, and Longshot nodded curtly. "Care to join us, we were about to go to the clearing."

"I would love to, but I really should get back, Gram's knees are giving her hell and Yun's scars are starting to blister, so it hurts even if he flexes his arm."

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