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My legs couldn't handle the shock and I crashed to the floor. Yun's limp body hung off his bed in a bath of blood. Someone walking by noticed me on the floor and looked in, yelled, and ran to the Main Hall. Everything else was a blur and I didn't comprehend any of the words said to me. Everyone was outside the door and the commotion fell silent when Gram came to the front of the crowd and stood next to my spot on the floor. She did not look at me but sat on the bed and place his heavy head in her lap and began to weep for her only grandchild. Everything became clear when Jet placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You- you knew-" I whispered. "You knew what they... what they- you said you would- would take care-"

Jet did not look at me. "I sat outside your door so they wouldn't do anything. I must've fallen asleep-"

All at once, everything went red. The rage and misery I felt were unmatched to anything I had ever felt before. I shoved my way down the hallways and opened one door, the room was empty, then another and I saw the three boys huddled around on the bed. They all looked to me and said nothing.

"Tao- Tao you can't- nothing will bring him back." Jet pleaded.

"They aren't innocent are they?" I said quietly. "In an underground labyrinth filled with firebends, who would've thought the only one guilty is here in the room."

They all looked away. Then one said, "That one came in and threatened us last night."

"I wish he killed you then."

"Tao." a weary voice said

I turned and saw Gram.

"I will not stop you. But I will not allow you to stay after you have done what you need to."

They all jumped off the bed. "Wait- what-"

I heated my fists up and smiled at them. "What did you think would happen? Committing and confessing to murdering one of us?"

"I thought you all only acted out of self-defense!"

"Oh well."

The entire village watched and I slammed my fists into the ground and a trail of fire found their way to the boys, lighting the bed on fire. They huddled to the back wall and screamed but nothing registered in my bed. I only saw Yun's face in my mind. Flames roared out of my mouth and I swept fire all over the room, making sure every piece of furniture had caught on fire. I saw the shadows of the boys dance between the flames and blasted more fire into the room. When there was only a sea of flames I exited the room and shut the door. We waited until the screams had grown quiet before opening the door. One of the men from the village, who was especially good at controlling flames stepped up and quieted the fire. Gram stomped her foot on the ground and the bodies fell into an abyss. When she walkout, she kicked the door down into the room then punched her fist to the left, and the room was forever sealed with a door of earth.

I was allowed to stay until the funeral was over the next day. No one seemed to have anything to say. Some would give their nods of approval. Jet came in that night and we sat apart in heartbreaking silence the night. When he left, he told me that he was sorry for bringing them here and that he understood.

I spent the day of the funeral in bed to soak in the events of the previous day and the day before that. If I kept my eyes closed for long enough, I could remember the feeling of his lips. When I opened my eyes I watched the ceiling and then replayed the childhood and every moment we shared leading up to his death. I felt my chests being crushed from invisible walls and it became increasingly hard to breathe. Even the shallow breaths I took were taxing and took so much energy.

I don't remember most of the funeral. I only remembered when Gram stomped Yun's grave into the ground with tears rolling down her face. It had finally set in that I would never see my best friend again and tears of my own streamed down my cheeks and neck.

That night, after Gram declared that she was going to cover every entrance and make sure no one would wander in here besides the village, she led me, Jet, Smellerbee, ANd Longshot through a long tunnel that would take us outside the great walls of Ba Sing Sa. When we reached the service, I thanked her and gave her a low bow and she kissed my head. She disappeared back into the hole and it disappeared again. Longshot and Smellerbee began walking to the left but Jet stood next to me.

I gave him a sad smile and he spits out his wheatgrass. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and buried his face into my neck.

"I love you," he whispered.

I squeezed my arms around his neck. "I know." I also knew that this would be the last time I would ever see him and last time I would ever be so taken and enthralled by another person. "I do too." I felt the weight on my back from Yun's death get heavier.

When we separated, he walked away and joined his friends while I walked forward without a clue of where to go. 

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