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I was a second away from putting this man in a chokehold when he reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and held it up to me.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you and your boyfriend look like the type of people would... enjoy this." he handed the paper over to me. "I would keep quiet about it..."

I skimmed over it. It seemed to be an underground fighting arena... very illegal but very intriguing. I smiled up at the man. "Thank you... I'll look into it."

He nodded and turned. I let out a deep sigh of relief. The outer rim never failed to surprise me. When I came back from the bathroom, I didn't see any sign of the large man. Jet was still at the table, legs crossed, and his arm draped over his chair's backing. I took my seat across him and slid the paper over to him.

He scoffed and slid it back.


"Those types of things don't interest me. I've been to a few, and it's just a bunch of big guys lugging rock and punching each other out of the rig."

"What, too unrefined for you? You tried to kill me, and it's our first date." I took a sip of my now cold tea.

"What?" Jet sat up. "I did not! I know what nurse Tao is, and I just wanted to see what Tao was really like."

"You have some weird fantasies," I said snarkily. However, confidently I tried to present myself, I still felt my stomach plummet again. If Jet wanted to see how I actually was, then he would definitely kill me. "I should probably get back home, my tea is cold anyways."

"Sounds good."

I waved Jet off from Gram's porch and thanked him for the wonderful day. I spent the evening staring at the ceiling of my room. This would never go anywhere... even if we did- I couldn't hide being a firebender. I don't think I could go that long without firebending, and the guilt would plague me anyways. The shame and nervousness already hung heavy around in the air everywhere I went and turned into a dense fog when I was with Jet. Today, fo that brief sparring period was the first time I completely forgot about my worries, and the crushing weight was thrown off my shoulders. My mind was spinning, and that spinning spiraled into a splitting headache that I went to bed with.

I woke up to a cooling sensation on my forehead. My heavy eyelids crawled open to see Gram looking down at me.

"You have a fever. Rest for today."

I groaned in agreement and eased back into a deep sleep. When I finally woke up hours later, the only thing from my dream that I remembered was a fire. I lifted my heavy arm and lit my fist on fire before letting it go out quickly. I sighed in relief. When I would wake, I forgot what my dreams were about, so I closed my eyes again to try and find out.

When I was finally well enough, I told Yun about the underground fighting, and he was thrilled and begged me to take him. So I pretended to be sick for one extra day, and we went on our way to see burly men beat each other up. We finally found the entrance through lots of back alleys until we ended up at the back of a dingy bar and showed a huge man with crossed arms the flyer. He stepped aside to reveal a narrow door that his full-frame had blocked. We traveled down about a thousand dark steps that were poorly lit with Jennamite. We finally reached a massive arena with stands (although there was a good portion of the steps were damaged and had boulders wedged in them). We took a seat in one of the rows that were further back.

"I think we're late," Yun complained.

"Well yeah, this place was impossible to find." I snapped back. I still wasn't 100% and spent a good part of my morning walking endlessly through shady places.

Yun hadn't heard me because he was wildly cheering. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I was glad that he could get a break from his job as a wielding and forgot about being firebenders for a while.

"AFTER WINNING THE LAST THREE ROUNDS IN A ROW, OUR CHAMPION SO FAR, HOOK, TAKES ON SHORTY" The announcer boomed the two fighters made their way onto the platform.

I looked first to see one of the tallest and muscular men I had ever seen walk on up. Dust from the ceiling fell every time he took a step. Yun went crazy cheering, I wasn't sure who he was cheering for- i don't think he knew either. I turned to Shorty's opponent to see Jet. I did a double look and choked on my spit. I don't know what, but on impulse, I immediately stood up and screamed, "JET WHAT THE HELL?"

I saw Jet flinch and turn to look up at me in shock. He gave me a crooked cheer and waved one of his hook blades at me. I grinned back and gave him a thumbs up.

Yun turned back at me. "You know him?"

I couldn't stop smiling and nodded at him. "Oh yeah, I went out on a date with him last week."

Yun looked puzzled. "Huh."

We watched Jet duel against some huge burly men who all seemed to be the same, they would either throw boulders that Jet could dodge or swing and try to punch him with their whole bodies and trip over themselves. Jet seemed to be worn out when he finally defeated all his opponents.


I hesitated for a moment, then stood up and yelled as loudly as I could. "I WILL!"

I made my way down the platform. I looked at Jet, and he grinned widely at me. Still catching his breath, he huffed, "Alright, Ms. Nurse, let's do this again."

"LET'S HERE IT FOR THIS BRAVE YOUNG LADY...MS. NURSE," the announcer walked off the platform to be left alone with a very sweaty Jet. The crowd roared, the loudest of them all was Yun, who was screaming at the top of his lungs. I laughed and waved up at him.

Jet unsheathed his blades, and I lunged at him. Our tussle felt more like an abstract dance that would never end. I don't think I stopped smiling the entire time. I found out very quickly that Jet was very light on his feet. Our tussle went on for quite some time, and the crowd never ceased screaming, this was probably the longest and highest tension match they had seen. Before I realized it, I was on top of Jet, with one hand loose on his neck, and the announcer began to count down. Jet smirked at me, "Would you look at that, Ms. Nurse."

He grabbed my collar with his hand and pulled me down until our lips met. Paralyzed with shock, I didn't realize that Jet had rolled over on top of me until he pulled away, and Jet was deemed the winner. The crowd seemed louder than ever.

"That was dirty," I muttered and grabbed his collar. The arena must've been shaking from the crowd's cheers.

Jet x Reader/OC Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now