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I could hear my heart accelerate with every breath I took.

"I... I- That's impossible." I said shakily. "He had to come home earlier today because he got burned."

"I know."

I looked up at him. "What- now?"

Jet scratched the back of his neck. "We've been tailing some possible firebenders."

"What the hell? You've been stalking random people?" I sat straight up.

He shook his head. "It's not like that... it's more of like trying to clear or confirm people of suspicion. I had an... incident a while ago- led me to get this bruise, and I think I might've had a run-in with a firebender."

I felt like firebending Jet, but I had to pretend I was just a lowly citizen of Ba Sing Sa that could not bend what-so-ever and was fearful of fire. "Well... when you put it that way..."

Jet smiled at me. "I'm sure your friend isn't a firebender, but you can never be too careful, you know?"

"Of course, it's a dangerous time." I felt like puking.

Jet put an arm around my shoulder and leaned back against the bench. "I know you can handle yourself, but if you get too overwhelmed and in trouble, I'll be there, okay?"

I felt my body tense up when he touched me and wanted to run away immediately but sat still. "Of course. I don't even know where to find you, though."

"Ah." Jet's ears turned a faint shade of pink. "It's nothing like your house..."

"Gram's house is pretty small, there's not too much room in Ba Sing Sa anyways."

"There's always smaller. I'll show you the condo we picked up some time."

"Sounds good."

There was a small and tense pause between us for a moment. "Is it okay if I swing by after your shift and say talk to Yun."

I pulled away from him. "I told you he's not one!"

Jet waved his hands. "No, no, I wanted to apologize, I feel bad about keeping tabs on him when he was innocent."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure that's fine," I muttered.

When I came home, I quietly tiptoed into Yun's room. I shook him awake.

He rubbed his eyes. "Mmm, what?"

"Listen... do you remember that guy from the arena."

"Yeah... yeah," He groaned. "Stop talking to him."

"He's coming tomorrow to see how you're doing..."

"Aww... I'm so flattered you-" Yun stifled a yawn. "You talk about me."

"No- Yun, he and his friends have been keeping tabs on you and thought you were a firebender."

Yun was silent and finally squinted his eyes open the shot up and sat straight up. He took a deep breath and was about to yell at me before I covered his mouth. "Gram is sleeping... we were going to keep this from her, remember?" I waited for Yun to relax a bit before I uncovered his mouth.

"You just had to get involved with a crazy-ass dude?"

"He and his friends are trying to find firebenders around the area."

Yun laughed harshly and smacked his forehead. "Wait till he finds out he made out with one. Now we have to tell the others."

"After Jet leaves tomorrow, we have to go tell them. We'll go through the tunnels."

My panic already caused me insomnia and two trips to the bathroom to vomit in the middle of the night. I kept telling myself that after Jet sees Yun, everything will be fine. But I would still have to figure everything out with Jet. I didn't want to stop seeing him, but I had to... I couldn't put Yun or the rest of the village in danger of being discovered. I felt weary all day at the clinic. I met Jet at the front and gave him a weak smile.

He had purple flowers in his had. "Your grandmother likes these right."

I nodded and hated him for being so thoughtful. "Yeah, she does."

I knocked on Yun's door. "Yun, we're coming in."

Yun was in bed and gave us a big smiled and waved with his unscarred arm.

"Here's a new cold compress and I put some ice on your dresser next to you- please put it back in the bowl if it starts melting so that the water doesn't stain the wood. I'll go make some tea and put your meds in it, and then I'm going to but some vitamin E, so it doesn-"

"I know you're a nurse, but you sound like my mom." he groaned.

I glared at him. "You're welcome." I left Jet and Yun talk and headed downstairs, my heart clenched in fear that Yun might get upset and firebend at Jet. By the time the water boiled, Jet was walking downstairs. "Sorry if he said anything dumb, he's all muscle and no brain I'm sorry. Probably why he got burned."

"No, no, he was fine."

I added a tea leaf to the water and stirred in some honey when I felt Jet wrap his arms around my waist. "I'm going to head out. Thanks for letting me come over."

"Yeah..." I watched Jet walk down the road and out of sight, and then ran to Yun's room.

As soon as he saw my enter, he threw the sheets off himself, and we rushed down to the cellar. 

"Where is Gram?" We lit a flame in our palms and headed into the darkness.

"She's shopping, I think," Yun panted as we ran through the tunnel to the small arena.

We headed down one of the tunnels connected to the arena and rapped on the entrance door in a particular pattern. The door opened, and our friends opened it and let us into the back of their bakery. We told them and everyone else that if the work in a place that required fires (most of them did, they would have to stop firebending to control the temperature of their bakery, restaurant, glass making, pottery, welding, or constructing. Some people were beginning to notice that things like their food coming out exceptionally fast or their hot beverages or baths at a bathhouse being at a perfect temperature every single time and never changing or fires being put out exceptionally fast. When we finished warning everyone that had come from our village, the sun had already set, and our feat and heart were exceptionally heavy.

We stood in the arena for a moment. We hadn't sparred in forever, and for the first time, we both silently agreed that we didn't want to. I threw a fireball at the wall in anger. And lost myself for a moment, screaming and sobbing as I attacked the wall with fire. When I took a step back, I looked at Yun. He wrapped me in his arms. I was suddenly aware of how tall and strong he was. "Let it out he said softly.

"I wish I wasn't a firebender." I cried.

"That's not true."

"I know." 

Jet x Reader/OC Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now