Walk Home

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    The next morning, Jet was gone. It felt odd to see his bed vacant, and I already missed his cocky smirk. However, I held onto the hope that he would come back sometime the following week. I changed and went about work as I usually did.

      I can't say that I hadn't enjoyed Jet as a patient, but I felt uneasy with his face always popping into my mind at unexpected times. He was still distracting without physically being near me. I had never felt this way before, where my stomach would feel tense when I pictured him, and my heart seemed like it slowed down. I couldn't explain it. It wasn't that I wasn't fond of feeling like this; I just didn't know what to do with it. Was there a name for this reaction? The more I tried not to think about it, the more I felt my head begin to spin, and in the middle of it all was the boy. I hadn't known him either; we had a few short conversations of the past month. I was starting to feel frustrated with this confusion and nagging that Jet had in my mind.

     "Hey Yun... have you ever been on a date?" I asked my friend out of the blue one evening. I had waited all week for Jet's appearance, but he had failed to show.

     "Hmm... not really." he shrugged. "We were too busy on the island since we didn't have too huge of a population." He took a seat at the table across from me. "Most of us just have arranged marriages anyway."

     I rested my head on my hand. "That's true..."

     "Weren't we going to have one?"

     "One what?"

     "Marriage." he took a sip of his tea.

     "Yeah, but that was years ago when we were like 4." I scoffed. "Besides, mom and dad are probably dead... I haven't heard back from them in months."

     "Maybe the fire nation stopped allowing regular troops to use messenger hawks? Besides, wouldn't you have heard if they did die?"

     I shrugged. "I don't think so. Just as long as they can get more benders to burn everything down, they probably don't care who lives or dies. You're lucky you broke your arm when they came to recruit everyone."

     Yun chuckled. "I was scared they were still going to take me. Anyways, are you going on a date?" he leaned across the table and gave me a wide smile.

     "Doesn't matter..." I mumbled

     "I'm sorry, what was that?" He broke into a grin.

     "Oh, shut up." I punched him in the ribs as I made my way to my room. I could still hear him laughing as I got upstairs.

     I was beginning to think that Jet wasn't going to come. But he did seem to have quite a few notable conversations with his friends, so maybe he was busy even after being released. Or perhaps he was just as nervous and put on a tough sarcastic guy front. Or perhaps he had forgotten about me. My brain became more insufferable with these dramatic assumptions of him. My stomach plummeted on the floor every time I thought about him. It worsened every minute, and I began feeling sick with nervousness. I was so busy worrying that I messed up everything I could from fumbling with bandages to spilling ointment and messing up medicine. The head nurse came over and asked me to go home a little early. I felt like I had been useless all day, so I asked if I could get at least clean the dirty bed sheets, and she let me. I changed out of my nurse gowns and headed back home with my stomach dragging behind me like a giant weight.


     I spun around immediately to see Jet leaning against the outside clinic with his usual smirk, and now a blade of wheatgrass sticking out from the corner of his mouth.

     I laughed uncomfortably... I was quite embarrassed, but my stomach felt like it was floating now. "Sorry..."

     Jet walked next to me. "Do you live this way."

     "Mm." I nodded my head. "I always pick up flowers for Gram on Wednesday, want to help?"

      Jet smiled. "Sure."

     "How have you been doing."

     "Still a little sore, but much better."

     I noticed some hook blades strapped on his back. "What are those?"

     He smiled and took one out. "Hook blades. Like them?"

     "Those aren't very common now. I never could get the hang of swords and that kind o-" I stopped talking. How suspicious would that be if some random nurse knew how to fistfight?

     He raised his eyebrows. "Huh. Where did you pick up a sword?"

     I looked at my feet. "My parents wanted me to prepare if the fire nation were to attack our village."


     "Anyways- this is where I like to pick up flowers." I pointed to the shop on my left. "Gram likes these purple ones... I don't know what they're called."

     "I'm not a florist myself."


     We continued walking and almost reached Gram's house when he asked, "Why didn't you ask what happened to me?"

     "It's none of my business. I was supposed to heal you, not interrogate you. If you want to tell one day then that on you."

     "Fair enough. Maybe I'll tell you one day."

     I nodded. "Uhm... This is Gram's house so,. Thank you for walking me home."

     "Of course."

     I was halfway through the door when I turned. "I'm off tomorrow... I really like talking with you, and I want to.. I don't know... like spend more time not in the clinic with you?"


      Jet chuckled a little, and I felt my face sear in fear that I said something wrong. "I like you, Tao. I'll see you tomorrow."

Jet x Reader/OC Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now