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      I woke from a very restless night of nervous tossing and turning as exhausted as I felt when I went to bed that night. I felt like throwing up immediately as soon as I crawled out of bed. Yun was out of the house at his job, so at least that was one less thing to worry about. I hated this anxious feeling, especially when it came to Jet. Over the recent weeks, we had been warming up to each other, so it didn't make sense that I felt like this when I felt relatively comfortable around him. Maybe it was because I was a firebender, and I couldn't comprehend the shock of him finding out. I hadn't really talked to anyone in Ba Sing Sa, besides my co-workers, as much as I spoke to him, let alone spend the day with someone who didn't know I was a bender. The fear of being exposed as a firebender always lurked in my mind. How many refugees are here because of my nation?

     While I was getting ready, my mind was so plagued by my fear that I hardly thought about anything else when there was a knock at Gram's door. My heart was going a thousand miles per hour propelled me forward to the door where I opened to see Jet standing with a smug look on his face.

     "Why do you look so surprised? You knew I was coming."

     "I-I still..." my weak voice trailed off, and I close the door behind me.

     "Do you not go out often?"

     "Well... I'm still relatively new here, so I don't really know anyone, and I'm always working."

     "Then this will be a good break."

     "Yeah, for sure." my heart was still pounding away and got harder with every step we took. I was suddenly hyper away to my every movement in fear that fire would swiftly fly out of me. "Do you know this outer rim pretty well then or..?"

     "Yeah, I used to go around a lot of different parts of the city before... I got hurt." His expressions darkened so subtly. "It's best not to stay in the same place for too long."

     "Are you moving soon, then?"

     No, no. This part seems alright." he shifted the wheatgrass from one side of his mouth to the other.

     "What's with the wheatgrass?"

     Jet smiled. "It reminds me of my home village."

     "That's sweet." I look at my shoes. Maybe they did seem to fire nation...

     He chuckled. "I'm glad you think so."

     "My hair clip is the only thing my grandmother gave me before she passed. I don't remember her that well, but it reminds me of my island."

     Jet gave me a crooked smile. "I like it." then he furrowed his eyebrows a little. "I thought you still live with your grandmother?"

     I smiled a little more widely. "No, no, everyone on the island called her Gram because her family lived on the island the longest... and she's the oldest there. I live with her and her grandson Yun since the fire nation took my parents as uh prisoners."

     "I'm sorry." he gave me a sympathetic look.

     "It's alright. If I hadn't come here, our paths wouldn't have crossed."

Jet x Reader/OC Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now