Chapter 1

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bella68489 Thank you for the idea.

Elena was in her room her son was sleeping in his room. It had been a year officially since she left Mystic Falls and she was honestly scared. She missed being with her friends and Family. She missed HIM. But she had to protect her son at all costs and she knew that meant keeping him from all of them. Her phone blows up everyday everyone calls her trying to figure out what happened but she never answered.

She had decided to go through her voicemails today from the last year.

She heard his voice come on and she shed tears."Elena i don't know if you'll listen to this i don't know what i did to make you leave but whatever it is i'm sorry i love you"

Next was one from Jeremy."Elena where the hell are you i miss you your the only family that i have left please come back home."

"Elena its Caroline i know you probably trashed your phone and you may never get this" Caroline started to tear up."But i don't know why you left but i do know that we can't do this without you no matter what we may have said your the one that keeps us going keeps us friends please come home"

"Hey Elena its Stefan i know we broke up a while ago and i shouldn't be calling you but i hope that you are alright that whatever happened whatever made you leave Mystic falls i hope that your ok cause you are the strongest person that i know"

The next one she heard crying."I tried Elena" She knew it was Bonnie."I tried to help i couldn't get him to keep it on after a week the switch was off but even then he couldn't take it he ended his life he stole a stake from Damon and killed himself said he couldn't live without you"

Elena broke into tears she couldn't believe what was happening. That was the last thing that she had wanted.

"Elena it's Rebekah i know me and you never seen eye to eye but i hope that your happy my brother killed himself cause of the pain were gonna get him back but i want you to know that i hate you and i always will who does that just up and leave without so much of a note you caused so much pain i don't know why anyone cares about you i don't know why he cared about you cause i see nothing worth carrying about."

"You did the most stupidest thing ever my own doppelganger i thought you were the good one the one that everyone wanted to save i guess you are just like me when things get complicated you just stop and don't care about anyone"

"Elena its me again i know why do i keep calling its been 6 months but i need to know that you ok" Elena could hear the sadness in Caroline's voice,"I was your best friend no matter what i will always be there for you i know that you might not believe that but its true i'm sorry for anything that i have done i miss you so much no matter what you were there for me so i am going to be there for you and i will call every month until you pick up cause you were always there through your pain when your parents died when Jenna or Alaric you stayed there for us through all the shit we did so i'm not going anywhere i won't leave as many voicemails but i won't stop calling and you can't make me"

"Elena it's Elijah i don't know why you left i don't know if it was because of my little brother i know that its already been 7 months and i'm just now reaching out but i wanted to call and see if you were ok. You are the brightest soul that i have ever met and there's no denying that i see why my brother ended his life. But i want you to know that if you ever need anything that you can talk to me"

"Elena its me Damon i know its been 8 months and this is the first time that i've reached out but i didn't know what to do last time we seen each other it was on bad terms i know that your ok because your you and your strong that if anyone is going to make it it wil be you i hope that you are ok please be ok i'm sorry"

"Hey its Jeremy again i didn't want to call back to back but i need you Elena things are getting really bad here the originals are in New Orleans but Damon and Stefan they flipped there switches last week and were all in danger i'm not trying to guilt trip you i am just trying to warn you that whenever you do come back things aren't going to be the same"

Elena heard sobs and cried harder."Elena its Bonnie its almsot been a year in a week it will be i hear that they are bringing Kol back soon. Rebekah is so angry with you i know that she is wrong to be cause you are the best person in the world and if you left that you probably had a damn good reason to leave this shitty town. I know that you don't plan on coming back anytime soon but i hope that you consider it cause we need you Lena you kept us together through everything you were the glue that binded us and without you were all falling apart and its not your fault you have a life of your own and you deserve that i guess what i'm trying to say is tht i miss you and i need you i hope you come back soon i love you Lena"

"Hey Elena i know i'm the last person that you expected to hear from but i'm calling we brought Kol back and he's not going to stop until he finds you and were gonna help him because for some godsaken reason he fell in love with you and he's never had that in his life and because he has found that in you i won't let him lose it so be warned the originals are looking for you" She was happy that Klaus warned her but mad that they were about to start looking for her when she didn't want them to

Her phone started to ring it was an unknown number she answered it and didn't say anything."Elena" She knew that voice the person that she regretted leaving behind the most."I know you can here me i just want to know that you are ok. I know it may be my fault that you left and whatever i did know that i am truly sorry i love you Elena more than i have ever loved anyone else and i need you i'm broken without you. I'm not gonna stop until i find you," The line went dead and tears went down her face.

Henrick started to cry she got up and went to check on him. He smiled at her. She picked him up and went to change him.

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