Chapter 14

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Everyone was still in the compound.

"What that is totally not fair" Rebekah said

Kol looked at his brother"You knew"

"Who is the question" Klaus asked.

"Her last name is pierce" Elena siad,

Katherine walked in."Evelyn Maria Pierce."She walked up to Elijah and slapped him.

Rebekah was got up but Elena and Haley blocked her. And said"Don't"

"Are you bloody kidding me" Rebekah said.

"Rebekah trust me don't interfere" Haley said."She's about to go off and i personally want her to"

"He knew she doesn't have memory of knowing her daughter Katherine once told me if she ever had another kid that kid would be well protected and she wasn't letting her out of her sight" Elena said.

"Fine at least let me watching this" Rebekah said.

They all turned around as Katherine slapped him again."How dare you Elijah your as much as a bastard as your brothers and there physco homicandal manicas who some how both got the girl. But you your supposed to be the good one and you took my daughter from me how dare you all i wanted was to be a mother and you took that from me. Why"

"What the hell is going on" Davina asked.

"You're a selfish son of a bitch Elijah" Katherine said.

Haley looked at Elena and seen her forming a thought"What do you know"

Katherine turned around."You know something spill i know that look i gave Caroline that look"

Elena took a letter out her pocker and gave it to Haley."Dear Elena, I know your pregnant but warning Dahlia will come for your baby. She will take it from you unless you hide you must leave Mystic Falls immediantly it's the only way your baby will be protected - Esther when it should have said Elijah its his handwriting"

"If i was born 7 years after i was supposed to be" Elena asked.

"Evie would be he already knew about his crazy ass aunt and didn't tell me" Katherine said.

"I can find her but it'll take me time she wasn telling me earlier how she wasn't ready. To dive into her past" Elena said.

"How did she turn" Katherine asked,

"Someone killed her last year doctors found it strange my friend called me in i found her i gave her a home" Elena said.

"Mom can i come with you" Henrick said.

"No Henrick not this time"  Elena said.


Elena finally found Evie. At the leaving New Orleans signs."Evie"

"It was him how do you know him" Evie asked.

"Elijah your dad he's Henrick's uncle. Kol's oldest living brother" Elena said.

"Why do they say i look like you" Evie said.

"Because you do. Because I look exactly like your mom." Elena said."She's there snapping the memory block Hope and Freya and Davina were talking about it was on her he made her forget you. But he had good reasons for what he did."

"What reason did he have for giving me up" Evie said.Elena pulled out the letter and gave it to her."Dahlia"

"Elijah's mother Kol's mother she promised her sister every first born Mikaelson from every genertation You Henrick and Hope. Dahlia came looking for y'all. Elijah knew she would come for you first he blocked your magic and made your mom forget. She wanted you Evie and so did he but you were in danger. " Elena said.

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