Chapter 12

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Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah heading to Paris on the a plane

"You said you would explain on the way so can you" Rebekah asked

"We've found Elena thats where were heading" Klaus said.

"Then why am i coming instead of Kol" Rebekah asked. She clearly still didn't like Elena.

"Because she had a son who she named Henrick Grayson Mikaelson. She didn't tell him and i believe it was because of Mother" Klaus said.

"Before we defeated Dahlia's mother sister who was after all first born Mikaelson's Mother whispered something in her ear. Dahlia left after mother did that and came back the next day." Elijah said.

"So your thinking that mother had Dahlia send Elena a message keeping her away from us. Knowing she was about to die. Make it look like she was still out to get him" Rebekah said.

"Haley got a nightmare once she never told anyone it took her forever before she told me. She only told me cause it was of Hope getting taken and i'm Hope's father" Klaus said

"So you think that Elena got one of those nightmares before Dahlia died" Rebekah said. She was still  alot confused."Doesn't explain why your bringing me instead of Kol"

"We don't know if we can get her to come back you can be tough on her where we might not be able to and in case this does get back to Kol its better to say that you threatened her instead of us to" Klaus said.

"Threaten is all i needed to hear nik" Rebekah smirked.
Elena hugged him tighter she didn't even want to let go."I'm sorry i'm so sorry"

"Hey it's ok your back now" Kol said.

She let him go and looked at him."Before i tell you anything is Dahlia really gone" Elena asked.

"Yes Dahlia died long ago why" Kol asked.

"Evie" Elena called. She walked out holding Henrick's hand,"This is my friend Evie and this is your son i don't know how but i got pregnant and your mother left me a note her sister kills every first born Mikaelson i left without a second thought"

"You look Familiar" Evie said. She couldn't put her finger on it but he looked really familar.

Kol kneeled by Henrick"Whats your name"

"Henrick after my uncle" Henrick said.

"Henrick was my brother" Kol said.

"Wait then that makes you" He looked up at Elena who nodded. He turned back to Kol."My dad"

"Yeah" Henrick gave him a hug,

"Henrick can you walk with Evie while i talk to your dad" Elena asked.

"Yeah" Henrick ran to Evie who was walking ahead.

"I'm sorry i didn't know what i was supposed to do. I had to leave. Had i known she was gone i would have came back the next day but i didn't" Elena said.

"Who told you she was gone" Kol asked.

"Rebekah Elijah and Klaus they came and talked to me. They told me Dahila was gone and to call you. I don't think your mother wanted us together she wanted me to leave she said i'll know when Dahlia was gone if they hadn't found me i'd be still gone" Elena said. Next thing she knew she was rambling "Everything i meant if i had known i would have came back to you i would have raise him with you. I feel so stupid if only i would have told someone i could have been here already i could have been came back-"

He silenced her with a kiss. He broke apart and looked at her."It's not your fault i love you i am not going anywhere"

"Neither am i" Elena wrapped her arms around his necj and pulled him into another kiss this one more demanding then the last.

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