Chapter 22

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Elena and Kol were forced to where a blindfold. Caroline and Rebekah walked the two into the compound. Evie was holding Raven. Caroline took the blindfold off of Elena while Rebekah took Kol's off.

 Caroline took the blindfold off of Elena while Rebekah took Kol's off

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"Oh my" Elena gasped.

"Your favorite color is blue so we designed it around it" Rebekah said.

"We all may not get along. But you were there for me so i'm going to be here for you anytime you need me to with or without vampire capabilites" Caroline said.

"Thank you" Elena gave Caroline a hug.

"I am not losing you because of my temper" Caroline said.

"Good" Elena said.

"So since we agreed to the reception only i am making everyone do a speech and they just have to deal with it" Rebekah said. She guided the two to a small table where Henrick Evie and Raven were."So just watch i think Evie wanted to go first"

"I did not" Evie said"I said last"

"Fine then i'll go first" Katherine got up and went to the middle."Well me and Elena never really got along at first. Several reasons everyone liked her and hated me even though we shared the same face. People also used her for that same reason and i do kind of have a heart and i hated it. I see her with Kol and I know that really does love her thats true love. I swear there best quality is making everyone jealous because of how cute they are together look at the matching shirts. Happy 1 year anniversarry"

Haley got up and went to the middle."I'm gonna piggy back off of what she said. I didn't know Elena when i arrived i knew she was missing and he would do anything to find her. And i amired that. I've seen Kol at his most vulnerable and that was without her and now look at them. 1 year married with a 2 month old daughter and 7 year old son. There at there happiest and i hope that they are always like this"

"I hate y'all" Elena whispered.

Klaus got up and Katherine and Haley went to sit down."I can agree with my lovely girlfriend. My brother never showed weakness until he met her. He'd move the world for her. They can't live without eachother and they make everyone look bad. I used to say family and love made you week but they proved that while it may make you week it also makes you stronger. To our two Physco Mikaelson's"

"I've been called worse" Elena said.

"So have i" Kol said,

Klaus went to sit and Rebekah got up and went to the middle."This will be my first and last time admiting this i did like you when you were with my brother in Mystic Falls. I hated how broken he was when you left. I hated that you left but on further investigation you left for everyone. Everyone who risk there life to save you and ric. I can say i have a much better understanding of you now. Your a wonder person and you make my brother a wonderful person and i can say you do a better job at calming him down then i do i just piss all my brothers off thanks Elena"

Caroline got up next."Elena has always been there when no one else was. She was the one willing to Sacrafice her whole life to save her friends and family. I'm happy that she came home and i'm happy that after helping everyone with there happiness she got her own. I was the first one to know about these two and i was happy to lie about where she was i knew it was dangerous for anyone to know. People hated him but loved her and they could be selfish about it. Before she left i remember how happy she was with him. Because of him and i'm happy they have that again. I'm not going anywhere i'll put everyone just for her."

'Thank you" Elena smiled.

"Anytime" Caroline said, She went back to her seat.

Freya got up and went to the front."My brother can be a little Physco but when he's with you i get to see my favorite side of him. His soft side that he hides so well. I just want to say thanks for getting that side back,"

Davina got up and took Freya's spot"I just want to say congrats. I'm not gonna do a long speech seeing as i don't know either of you that well. Congrats on the wedding. And Raven and you really live up to your reputation,"

Cami got up and replaced Davina."Congrats on the wedding i'm happy that your happy, And that everything is finally going alright." Cami said.

Rebeakh got up and walked to the front."Ok so i lied i'm not making Bonnie cause we all really hate her so Jeremy's gonna go then Elijah Alaric then me then Evie who called last"  She went and sat back down and Jeremy got up and took her spot.

"I'm gonna keep it simple your my sister i love you so much and as long as you are happy i am happy just don't hurt her" Jeremy said.

"Wouldn't plan on it" Kol said.

"Good cause if you do he'll be the least of your problems" Elena said,

Jeremy went and had a seat and Elijah got up.'I'll keep it simple i haven't seen my brother so happy in a long time and i'm happy that he has found that with you." Elijah had a seat.

Alaric got up."I just want to say its good to see you happy and not sad or worrying about everyone else but herself" He went and sat down.

Rebekah got up and went to the front."Well i just wanna say thanks. For everything i know i may have been a huge bitch to you on multiple occassions when you didn't deserve it. But your a great person and i'm happy that my brother has you in his life. Your a great person and i love to see him actually smile. And maybe you can convince him not to kill my boyfriend. "

"I can try but then there will be Raven Hope and Evie" Elena said.

"No one is good enough for them" Kol and Klaus said,

"Get over it they have our looks there gonna date and anyone that breaks there heart won't make it a day" Katherine said.

"True" Hayley saod.

"Let one of them cry over a guy they won't be scare of y'all will be there fear" Elena said.

Rebekah went to sit down and Evie got up,"I'll keep that in mind" Evie smiled."I have a long speech. First i'm happy that you two found each other you may seem a lot different from people that may not know you but thats why you fit together. I've been living with Elena almost four years. I've seen her at her most vulnerable. I've seen her go through wanting to come home but scared to. She is a great person. And so is my uncle. He may come off as a little physco but that is because he protects the people that he loves. They belong together whether anyone likes it or not. They are eachothers light in there darkess times and i'm happy there together."

(Sorry it took so long school is driving me nuts)

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