Chapter 21

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A week ago Elena had her daughter Raven Jenna Freya Mikaelson. They couldn't be more happier. She had just fed her daughter and layed her down she headed back to her room where Kol was. She sat next to him and layed her head on his shoulder."She's down she'll be out for awhile."

Evie and Henrick ran into there room."Can i watch Raven"

"Why" Kol asked.

"Rebekah needs you two she's planning a hug wedding" Evie said.

"You promise to call right" Elena said.

"Yes i promise if anything happens i will call. Everything will be fine my mom lets me watch Caleb all the time he's a new born to" Evie said,

"She'll be fine. Evie is a great babysitter" Kol said.

"Please Elena i can't get thrown into there wedding plans. I'm pretty sure she was thinking of making me a flower girl" Evie said.

"I do trust you but she's a newborn. I trust you more than i trust a lot of people." Elena said.

"Really" Evie asked.

"You've never given me a reason not to." Elena said.

"Thanks so verdict" Evie said,

"You can watch her. If you need anything just call. Henrick your coming with us. I know Rebekah's going to have a part for you" Elena said.

"Ok Mom" Henrick answered. Elena was going to do everything in her power to make sure that her son didn't feel left out.


When the three got there they seen Rebekah and Caroline looking over papers."Thank god you two are here" Cami said.

Haley walked up to Elena."There driving me insane. I want to murder both of them."

"What did you two do" Kol asked.

"Well considering i hate were trying to compromise. I said we do  a ceremony she's saying we just do a reception" Rebekah said.

"I hate her that is why i killed her but she's right we should do a huge reception. You just had a baby a ceremony is doing to much. And there was a reason you two did it alone because of everything going on and it was the easiest thing and you two love each other." Katherine said.

"Please for me Rebekah" Elena said.

"Only because Raven is a new born and exhausted you isn't fun" Rebekah said.

"Thank you" Elena smiled.

"So its going to be a big party basically and everyone is giving a speech because they are being forced to" Rebekah said."Well almost everyone"

"Sounds good" Kol said.

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