Chapter 11

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Elena was in her house she had just put Henrick to bed. She had survived 6 years and she didn't know how. She went downstairs in her house. Her phone started to ring it was Caroline. Elena decided that she was going to answer.


"Elena" Caroline teared.

"Its me" Elena said

"They''ve found you i don't know how but they did" Caroline said. Elena's phone was snatched from her hand she turned around and seen Rebekah.   

"Sorry Caroline to late" Rebekah said. She hung up,

Klaus walked over with Elijah. Who had Henrick."Hi Elena."

"You had a son" Rebekah asked.

"What do y'all want" Elena asked. She was suddenly very scared."How the hell did you get in here i was just up there"

"Were originals we move way more stealthier than you do" Rebekah said,"Dhalia's gone Elena"

"What" Elena asked."She is"

"Your going to call my brother and tell him you are ready to come home do you understand me" Rebekah said.

"Your sure she's gone" Elena asked.

"She's never coming back" Klaus said.

Elena pulled out her phone and dialed Kol's number."Can i be alone i want him."

Elijah handed Elena Henrick who was still sleep and they walked away."Hello."

"Hi it's me" Elena said,

"Elena" Kol asked. Elena heard his breathing change.

"I'm sorry i wanna come home  but i need to know that i'm coming back to something. That i didn't ruin everything when i left." Elena said. She was happy to go back but she was scared of what was going to happen.

"I'm not going anywhere" Kol said.

"I'll be flying in tomorrow don't tell anyone i'm coming see you then" Elena said. She hung up and looked at them."I'm  ready to go back."

"Will be heading back tonight will see you tomorrow" Klaus said.

"I'm not backing down i'm not gonna hide if i would have known Dahlia was gone i would have been back" Elena said Her voice was soft and cracking.

"When your last nightmare" Rebekah asked.

"When Henrick was 2 i got a nightmare" Elena said.

"Dahlia and my mother set that up she knew Dahlia was about to die so she told her to send  nightmare a real one the others were your fear" Klaus said

"I'm bringing a friend with me i won't leave her here by herself" Elena said.

"Ok will see you tomorrow" Klaus said


Evie walked in the next morning and seen Elena packing everything."What's going on"

"Were moving to New Orleans" Elena said.

"Really" Evie asked

"Yes we leave in an hour think you can be ready" Elena asked.

"I'm coming to" Evie asked.

"I'm not leaving you here you want to come" Elena asked

"Yes I can be ready" Evie smiled.


They were on Elena's jet heading for New Orleans."I'm gonna get off first before y'all do ok"

"Alright" Evie said.

"Evie what do you know about your parents cause you look more and more familiar each day" Elena asked. She seen resembalance to someone she just couldn't place it.

"I was adopted i only have a picture of my father its in my things he didn't know about me my mother made sure of it" Evie said

"Ok" Elena said,

"Mommy where are we going" Henrick asked

"Home" Elena smiled. She was happy to be going back. She wanted to be back she wanted everyone to know him


When they arrived Elena got off the plane and seen Kol waiting. She had texted him and asked he meet her here. She vamped to him and gave him a hug."I missed you"

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