Chapter 4

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The originals were all in Mystic Falls with everyone else.  They were all in the Salvatore boarding house.

"Where is Rebekah" Caroline asked.

"In a coffin" Elijah said,

"Elena got the letters after she answered this morning we figured we'd give it a try but she never sent it back she just opened them read them and sat them down" Bonnie said.

"What if all three of y'all try to do it" Kol asked.

"Won't work before y'all killed your parents 2 years ago she did a cloaking spell on Elena meaning we can never really track her unless we bring your mother back and have her personally undue it but there's flaws she might not do it and two she can escape us and just continue to body jump" Bonnie said.

"Bonnie there has to be something someone can do" Jeremy said.

"There might be but we've never come across it and it might be years before we finally do and are we really ready to wait years for her to come back you three are barley making it day by day i had to spell Caroline not to flip her switch the other day" Bonnie said. She hated being the bearer of bad news but she knew that they had to hear it.

"You what" Klaus asked.

"And no one can stop me from flipping it because its my choice she was my best friend and i just fell for the lie she used to lie to me all the time and i always knew and when she told me she was gonna be gone a week i actually believed her and she hasn't been back in two years and i miss                   her and i want her back" Caroline said. She had tears streaming down her face. Bonnie walked over to her and gave her a hug. She knew that Caroline Kol and Jeremy was taking it the hardest of everyone.

Katherine walked in and smirked."She's not coming back she obviously disapeared for a reason"

"Oh you" Bonnie groaned.

"Where are the Salvatores" Katherine asked.

"Locked in the cellar where you will be in a minute" Klaus said.

"Well i guess you don't want to know what i know" Katherine was about to walk out when Caroline vamped to her and grab her arm.

"Start talking or i am going to kill you and get rid of you right now" Caroline spat. Bonnie walked towards them she knew that Caroline was serious.

"Caroline calm down" Bonnie breathed.

"I don't want to calm down your taking this so easy i can't do that after everything that she did for everyone i want her back so i can apologize for all the horrible crap that i have done to her cause its true you don't miss someone until they are gone" Caroline sighed.

"Talk you evil little bitch before i make you talk and before you ask Elena taught me a few of her tricks she used to get you down so you have ten seconds or the world will be short a vampire good news we would have finally gotten rid of the evil slut bitch" Caroline said.

"She sent me a message before she left you got your wish i'm gone i got something that i have to do. Lets get one thing clear i am nothing like you i care and because i care i gotta go do me a favor and don't ruin anything i still have more resources than you do and i can and will get you killed if you do anything- Elena" Katherine smirked."Because she cared she had to leave and thats something i will never be bound to"

"Your a little bitch the day you die will be without a doubt the best day of my life" Caroline said. She let Katherine go."If your not out of Mystic Fallls in an hour you'll be dead and if i ever see you again it me and you goodbye" Caroline did a little wave Katherine glared at her and vamped out.

Bonnie pulled Caroline into a hug"Will get her back." She let her go and looked at everyone."Davina Freya every once in a while we try to track her. If we don't find her i know that she will be back after she sure that she's safe then she'll come back cause thats who she is"

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