Chapter 3

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Hernick was 1 years old and it was the second aniversarry of when she left. She hadn't answered anyone's else's since Kol had called, That day the only voicemail she had saved was his and Caroline's. She woke up to see Henrick starring at her. He could walk and climb out of his crib.


" Hey baby come on lets get you dressed" Elena got up and went to his room and got him a dinosaur outfit. A green shirt with blue dino's. Navy blue shorts with a green dino and black shoes with little dino's."Aww you look so cute" She picked him up and headed to the kitchen. She put him in his chair and got out baby crackers and a can of baby food.

Her phone started to ring she answered it without thinking."Hello"


"Hi brother" Elena whispered

"Where are you" Jeremy asked.

"I can't tell you Jer just know i'm safe and if i want this to work then i need to stay this way i have a more important commitment right now" Tears came down her eyes."Don't tell them you talked to me please"

"It's to late Elena there here" Jeremy said.

"Look i left i had to make a change for a good reason i'm tired of being and danger and something happened and i did what i thought was best i'm tired of them worrying about me every single minute of every single day this is better for everyone bye" Elena hung up.

She didn't know what she was going to do she hated lying to them. She looked at Henrick and he smiled. She knew that she had to do what was best for her son no matter what anyone else thought and she was.

When he was done Elena took him out. She went to her room she set him on her bed. She went to her closet and found a sun dress that she wanted to where. She went and got dressed. Back a bag of stuff and took him to the park. She set her stuff down at one of the tables she set him on the bench powerered off her phone. She went to play with him at the park. Letting him slide down the slide and run aroumd. They stayed there for a few hours. When Elena and Henrick finally went home she gave him a bath fed him and put him down for bed.

Elena went to her room to get ready for bed. She went and changed out of her dress and into pajamas. She was sittng on her bed and she turned on her phone to see 10 missed calls. Then a note dropped on her floor than another one.

She went and picked them up and opened them to see Bonnie's handwriting on one and Caroline's on the other.

"I am happy to know that your ok. Although we all miss you very much. We want you to come home and i know that you may not be ready to come home yet but  want you to know that when you do come home that you still have us to come home your my best friend and you were always there. Even after i blamed you for things that you didn't do. You didn't want my mom to turn you didn't ask for Damon to threaten you and take you in the tomb with him but most of all you didn't ask for us to put our lives above yours cause you wanted to do if for us but we never let you and the one time you did you proved that no matter what  your someone that cares and that we want on our side i don't know why you left i thought you were really just gonna be gone for a couple days guess that didn't happen i want you to know that i will always be there for you cause you were always there for me you told me that even thought Caroline was a vampire that she was still the same girl we knew just with a different background. You told me that there is good in everyone and even though i didn't see it then i see it in them now the way they care for you stay safe Elena."

"Hi Elena i know that you don't want to talk but i am not going to stop looking for you i am not gonna stop helping you anyway that i can you were there for me. After i transitioned after i betrayed you. You weren't mad at me when Jenna died when it was supposed to be me/ I know that you had a damn good reason to leave this town cause thats who you are your someone that cares no matter what. Even the 3 originals care for you. Kol's absolutely broken right now. Damon and Stefan couldn't stand to be without you and they left. Jeremy's having a tough time you were his light through everything. You were the person that everyone wanted around. You always made everyone happy even when your parents died you tried to make everything alright you took on a lot by yourself your the strongest person that i know. I need you back Elena i know in a few years you'll return but i want you to know that i'm not going anywhere through everything your coming back to me so i can hug you and few your energy again. When everything was turning upside down for me you were there to make it light. After all the shit i used to do and pretend i was better than everyone you were there for me. Even after when your parents died and Isobel John and Jenna and i treated you like nothing happened you were always there for me. When everything in your life was confusing and i was getting mixed feelings with Tyler you came and talked to me. You let me throw you a party that you didn't want cause your that type of person you are always going to be there and because of that i am not going anywhere. Becareful Elena i need you to come back safe"

Most of the chapters leading up are going to be a tiny bit sad until she returns letting her see how everyone misses her i hope you like it

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