chapter 16

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Elena was sitting in her room when Evie walked in."What do you want."

"I'm watching Hope and Henrick today" Evie smiled.

"Let me guess your uncles and father are paying you to watch them today" Elena asked.

"I said no such thing and it was more will buy you a car" Evie said. She walked out leaving Elena alone.

Elena got up and groaned."Evie get back in here" Elena shouted.

Haley and Katherine walked in,"What the hell are they doing."

"I don't know all i know is he snuck out of my room this morning being secretive but again when he doesn't want me to know something he can be pretty secretive" Elena said.

Evie walked back in."I'm not telling you three what there planning get dressed where something pretty i got them i can watch kids"

"How your 17 and haven't had a sibling in your life" Elena said.

"But i've been doing  a pretty good job with my little cousins" Evie said.

"If anything happens you call don't wait to we get home" Elena said.

"Deal" Evie said

"Evie" Elena said,

"If any magic is used anyone gets hurt anyone shows up at the house unannouned i call you i promise" Evie said.

"Ok" Elena said.

"So where are they taking us" Katherine asked.

"I know where Dad is taking you i know where Klaus is taking Haley i don't know where Kol is taking Elena he said it was a peice from there past here" Evie said.

Elena smiled."I know where and now i know exactly what to wear." She remembered the last time the two of them had been in New Orleans and she had love it.

"Where" Haley asked. Elena shook her head. She didn't want them to know that was one secret that was going to stay between them,

"Elena you and Kol have a past here" Katherine said.

"Caroline used to be my excuse i used to tell them that me and her went to this place or that place but we really never did no one ever questioned it because we were both vampires this was when me and him first started dating Caroline was the only one that knew because i knew Damon and Stefan had a dagger and a stake and i didn't want them to use it. He took me to New York and Here and a lot of differerent places" Elena went to her bed and pulled a show box from under she opened it and there was an album.

"Isn't that your album that you never let me touch" Evie asked.

"I never let my own son touch this," Elena opened it and revealed a whole bunch of pictures of her and Kol

"If i couldn't tell anyone i was at least getting the memories other then taking these i hated taking pictures" Elena smiled as she flipped through the pictures.


Elena was in her room she was almost finished getting ready when Kol walked in. She threw him his shirt. "I'm ready when you are."

"So you figured it out" Kol smirked.

"It wasn't hard. A piece from the past i remember that weekend well. I also remember the lady selling the couple shirts and when she seen us two together she said we had to have them. She was a witch wasn't she." Elena asked.

"That she was" Kol said.

(Shirts above)


Elena and Kol were walking through the forest."It's as beautiful as i remember it to be"

"You haven't seen anything yet" Kol grinned.

She knew for a fact that he was planning something."What you got planned i know that look."

"Its a surprise but first you got to put on this blindfol" Kol lifted put it over her eyes and took her hand to guide her to there destination.

"What thats not fair" Elena whinned,

"Life isn't fair Darling but trust me you'll love it" Kol said.

"Ok i trust you" Elena said.

When she stopped she felt him take the blindfold off."Open your eyes"

She opened her eyes and gasped. They were high on the mountains. There was a white Canopy inside that had a beautiful picnic set up. They had a perfect view of where the sun would be going down. Kol wrapped his arms around her waist. She leaned into his touch and said."Thank you i love it"


Elena and Kol were sitting on the blanket. They were watching the sunset. He started playing Hold on. On his phone. He held his hand out to her."May i have this dance."

"Of course" She gave him her hand and they stood up. She wrapped her arms around his neck. While he wrapped his around her waist and the two started to sway to the music.

"I love you Elena."

"And i love you always have and always will"


After the two finished dancing the two were watching the sunset."It's beautiful."

"Nah i've seen better matter of a fact i'm looking at it right now" Kol said.

Elena looked over to him to see he was looking at her. Making her smile and blush."I had missed your cheesy comments"

"Close your eyes i got one more surprise close your eyes and lift your hair" Kol said.

"Ok" Elena did as said and felt him put a necklace on her neck.


She opened it and looked at him then the necklace. "What's this everything that you do has a meaning."

"Open it" Kol smiled

She opened it and seen a picture of her Kol and Henrick.


"It will also keep the nightmares and the ghosts away" Kol said.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

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