Chapter 10

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Kol was sitting in his room reading a book trying to distract himself. He hated this day with all his heart he was hard without her here and he didn't want to think about her. He missed her more than anything in the world. Oh how he wished she was back but he knew it was going to be a while. He knew that she had a good reasn for leaving.
Caroline was watching the twins run around and play. They were one and they were all over the place. She had called Elena like always she missed her so much. She just really want4ed to know that her best friend was ok thats what she needed to know more than anything was that her best friend was ok.


Cami was trying to distract herself as much as possible she wished that she did talk to Elena when she had the chance and gotten to know her. But she hadn't and that was going to haunt her for the rest of her life.


Jeremy was in Art School he used this to distract himself from everything that was going on. He missed his sister he wanted her to be ok. He hoped that she was happy and not in pain.
Bonnie and Damon had started dating.  Today they tried to go with everyday like normal but it was so hard to they both missed her so much. They wanted her back mostly to apologize for any and everything that they had ever done to her.

Klaus and Elijah stayed away from there brother. They knew that he was in a mood. Klaus would never admit it but when Kol had killed himself he felt a huge pain in his heart. His little brother took his life and there was nothing that he could do about it, He wished that Kol could just get over this but he knew that it wasn't possible. Elijah knew that his brother needed her back more than anything.
Haley stayed away from everyone she felt bad for them losing Elena like that must have been hard. She knew that Elena must have been a very special girl to make everyone change like this. She wished that she had gotten the chance to meet her but she didn't know if she ever would.

-- A year later
Davina was performing the tracker spell on a map Kol and Cami were with her.

"My blood" Cami asked.

"Yeah" Davina said. She cut her wrist and let the blood drop. Kol bit his wrist and oftered it to Cami.

"Only because i swear Davina cut a vein again" Cami said. She drunk a little of his blood and let his arm go.

Davina started the spell but the blood didn't move."Sorry i'll try again y'all should go look at your distractions"

"Ok" Before the two left Davina noticed a few drops of Kol's blood fall on the map she didn't think anything of it until after they left and she tried the spell again and the blood combined and moved to Paris.

"I found her wait Kol's blood mixed with Elena's line equals a kid oh crap i gotta tell Elijah" She cleaned up and texted Elijah telling him to meet her in the attic with Klaus. She didn't want to be the one to tell Kol that he had a kid.

When she arrived she grabbed her lap top and went to the paris Daycare files. She typed in Mikaelson a Henrick Mikaelson popped up he turned 5 three months ago his mother was Isobel Gilbert and Father unknown. Born and raised in Paris France. A knock at the door brought her out of her funk." Come in"

Elijah and Klaus walked in."Yes witch"

"Don't be mean Klaus i found her or them" Davina said.

"Care to Clarrify" Elijah asked.

"Elena she has a son Henrick Mikaelson ring a bell" Davina asked. She could tell by there faces that they understood what was going on.

"Our brother who died a thousand years ago his name was Henrick" Klaus said. Davina could tell by his voice that he was sad but decided not to say anything.

"Elena is all about protecting the ones she loves if she knew about Dahlia and being pregnant with a first born gives her motive to take off without a trace and tell everyone that she is coming back" Elijah said.

"Search Elena gilbert" Klaus said.

She did as told."She's a doctor in Paris as Elena but for Henrick putting him in day care which is more govermental she registed as Isobel Gilbert instead of Elena Henrick is 5 years old born and raised there his birthday was three months ago matches up perfectly"

"Elijah wake Rebekah and bring her here were gonna get Elena and you little witch are going to make sure that my dear brother doesn't know why we left" Klaus said.

"You want me to lie to him" Davina asked.

"You lie all the time just do it." Klaus said

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