Chapter 7

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Elena was running late and she hated it. She had another nightmare last night and with him now being 3 he was a lot more active. She had literally had to use her vampire speed to catch him and get him to daycare. It was now the end of the day and she had just picked him up,

"Mama" Henrick smiled.

"Hi baby" Elena smiled."Want ice cream"Henrick nodded."Come on lets get home i brought lot of snacks."

Henrick started to clap."Yay"

"Lets get Home"

When Elena got home she set up a movie in the living room and went to the kitchen and grabbed all the different snacks that she had. She got to bowls of ice creams and set the candy chocaltate and everything up on the table. She sat next to him and started the movie

"Say please" Elena said,

"Pleasee" Henrick smiled.

"Sure" She handed him a bowl of ice cream."Come on lets watch the movie"

She was glad that she had these moments but she wished that she could have Kol with them so he could enjoy this as much as she did. But she didn't want to risk his life it wouldn't be fair to anyone.

When the movie finished she looked over and seen him sleep they had went through all the snacks. She picked him up and took him to his bed. She changed him into his pajama's and tucked him in. She went and cleaned up everything when her phone started ringing.

She seen it was caroline she had an idea and she hoped it worked."Hello you've reached Elena leave a message at the beep" She knew it was risky but she wanted to here the voice in real time.

"Hey Elena it Caroline i turned my switch back on yesterday i had turned it off the morning i woke up last year it took them awhile to figure out it was off. I'm a mother my twins were born yesterday i know that its weird but it happened i miss you so much i wosh that you could meet them. Technically your there sister. I miss you so much and i want you to come back but i understand that your not ready me and Bonnie aren't friends anymore. I accused her of wanting you gone i'm broken here Kol is broken Jeremy is broken we can't do this without you please call me" Caroline hung up.

Elena had tears in her eyes. She tried to distract herself by cleaning up. She finished everything and headed off to bed.


Elena woke up in the middle of the night to sniffling. She sat up and seen Henrick crying. She got up and went over to him she pcked him up."What's wrong" Elena asked

"I scared" Henrick said.

"Aww baby come on" She got in her bed. She layed him next to her and pulled him into her."It's alright nothings going to happen"

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