Chapter 2

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Kol was currently in the compound with his siblings."She answered"

Rebekah turned to him and scoffed."She did"

"She didn't say anything but she answered first time i didn't get her voicemail" Kol said.

"Kol stop looking she doesn't want to come back cause she's a little whore just like Katherine just like Tatia and i can't believe your still mourning her" Rebekah said.

"What am i supposed to do Rebekah i'm sorry i let people in but right your the only one that i don't want around me" Kol said.

"Me" Rebekah asked. She tried to slow her breaths knowing that this wasn't going to go well."I loved once and it got taken from me i'm trying to stop it from happening to you before it's to late she left brother and she's never coming back cause no matter what anyone says she doesn't have a nice bone in her body"

"ENOUGH" Elijah shouted.

"Rebekah you are going to stop talking or risk a dagger cause no matter what you may think Elena did Kol good and you are not about to ruin that for him i blessed you and Marcel and he didn't deserve it Kol deserves this and you will not take it from him" Klaus said,

"I had to bring Mikael to town before i got your blessing" Rebekah spat.

"And he killed him self and we had to bring him back and he's still searching for her and i'll tell you what i told her on her voicemail were looking for her because he's never had love in his life and i'm mostly to blame" Klaus said.

"Well i'll tell you what i told her. Made it seem like i cared that told her that i hate her and i always will because she up and left no note no reason no nothing she just left. I told her i don't get why anyone cares about her cause she doesn't deserve it and i see nothing worth carrying about cause Kol's never been one to feel and the one time he does she breaks him so i hope she goes and rots and hell" Rebekah said.

"I hope you die alone and slow very slowly" Kol said.

Klaus vamped out and vamped back in and stabbed her in her heart with the dagger."Elijah go put her in her coffin she needs to stay in there for awhile cause she has apparently lost her mind"

"Niklaus" Elijah shook his head. He took his sister from Klaus and went to put her in a coffin. He came back just as Cami Haley and Davina walked in.

"Who's the new guy" Davina asked.

"Busy" Kol vamped out.

"Kol's broading because his girlfriend disapeared without a trace last year and they haven't been able to find her" Haley said. She never met the girl who he was mad at but she knew that she must have been something special to make three originals stop everything in order to find her."Where's Rebekah"

"Taking a long nap for disrespecting Elena after a warning from all three of us" Klaus said.

"Again are you serious" Haley whinned.

"What did she do" Davina asked.

"My brothers girlfriend disapeared and Rebekah is only angering him more he wants to find her and were going to help him because after everything that we've done to him this is our chance to make things better." Klaus said.

"What he is trying to say is that we havecaused my brother pain again and again and he hates us with a passion but loves her more than anything in the world and my little sister doesn't seem to get that and because she doesn't get it she got herself daggered again" Elijah said.

"Elena who" Cami asked.

"Gilbert" Klaus said,Cami started to cough."Is there a problem"

"No i got to get to work i'm sorry" Cami walked out leaving them all confused.

When she was far enough from the quarter she called a number"Hello you reached the voicemail of Elena Gilbert leave a message after the beep." She sounded so happy but Cami knew she wasn't.

"You disapeared i heard i'm sorry for whatever reason. I'm mad that i never got to say goodbye to you. I'm your older cousin and i was never there i hope your ok. He's miserable without you i've only met him once and i can tell that. I should have came to see you after your mother died but i didn't know what to do. You wanted no part in Isobel's life then you called me and said you wanted to meet i should have came, I shouldn't have left you alone when you had no one else. I'm sorry Elena i need you to be ok. Don't do it for me do it for everyone that cares about you cause we do we love you and we all want you to be safe you have to be safe for me i love you Elena." Cami hung up and walked away tears staining her eyes.


Back at the compound.

"She probably had spells put on herself there is a good chance that i won't be able to track her" Davina said.

"Well each year on this day you are going to try to track her because he needs her right now. He killed himself Davina because he couldn't take the pain even with his switch off the pain was still there it wasn't going away so we have to do ths for him." Klaus said.

"I don't even know him why would i help get his old girlfriend back" Davina asked.

Kol walked back in,"Because you need something"

"What do i need from you" Davina asked.

"Your a good witch i'll give you that but you don't know a lot or as much as someone from New Orleans should know and i can help you with that i can help you strengthen your powers and become stronger but i need you to help me find her" Kol said.

"What can you teach me your a vampire" Davina said.

"On the contrary before i was forced to live out eternity in suffer i was a witch and a good one then when i turned i made it my lifes mission to learn all that i could about magic so the question is what can't you learn from me cause i can teach you a lot how to make dark objects like the one your coven made i had a hand in each one of them so do we have a deal" Kol asked.


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