Chapter 19

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Everyone was in the compound except Elena Kol and Henrick.

"Where are they they aren't answering there phones that is not like my brother" Rebekah said.

"I don't know where they went they never told us they were leaving" Haley said. It didn't make sense to them why Kol and Elena would just up and leave.

"Maybe she wanted to travel i mean she's pregnant travel before the baby comes" Katherine said

"Nah Elena doesn't like to travel and her moodswings plus she's throwing up every twenty mintues that doens't go well with travel" Evie said.

"Then where the hell did they go" Cami asked.

"Cami they could be on the otherside of the world we won't know until they tell us" Davina said.

"But i don't want to wait i want to know where they went and why are they gone" Cami said.

"They will be back i'm sure of it" Evie said,

"What do you know Evie" Katherine asked.

Just then Caleb started crying from upstairs."Oh look my brother is crying i better go get him" Evie ran up the stairs.

"Maybe it involves another couple shirt my sister gave them there first one." Danielle said.

"She did" Haley asked.

"Yeah she was working a shirt booth and she seen them together and practically forced them to get a shirt. And thats how there trend started if they have an announcement it will come out in a shirt that they will cheerish together and in the end we will all be Jealous of how cute they are" Daniell said.

"True that would it kill y'all to be nice sometimes. I mean look at how your brother treats his girl you should be more like him" Haley said.

"So seriously what do you think it is" Danielle asked.

"It's Kol and Elena we are talking about it could be anything" Rebekah said. She had a feeling whatever they had been doing the past two days was going to surprise everyone.

Caroline walked in with Lizzie and Josie followed by Stefan Damon Jeremy and Bonnie. Evie came down the stairs and shook her head."What are y'all doing here i thought we already established we don't like you."

"Do you really think we want to come here and see you of all people" Bonnie asked.

"Kat don't do it" Haley said,

Katherine vamped to Bonnie."Don't get your little ass beat cause your not talking to my daughter like that."

"Don't get hurt i can hurt you" Bonnie said.

"Touch her and it will be the end of your life today" Elena walked in with Kol and Henrick she was wearing a jacket covering her shirt. While Kol had a shirt that said. I stole her heart.

"I want to see your shirt" Freya said.

"You wanted us here" Caroline asked.

"I wanted t tell y'all something together so please don't kill each other" Elena asked.

"Can't make that promise" Haley said.

"Davina" Elena asked.

Davina got up and walked over to the mystic Falls gang. She waved her hand and Caroline Bonnie Jeremy Stefan and Damon suddenly had a bracelet on there hands."Whenever you are in New Orleans your vampire strength won't work or compulsion. Your magic won't work and you won't have hunter abilites there specially designed" Davina said. She went and sat back next to Freya.

"Whenever you are here you have no power i don't trust you and Katherine and Haley want to kill you so if you want to live keep your mouth shut and you'll be fine."

"Can we see the shirt now" Haley asked.

Elena unzipped her jacket and showed everyone her shirt and they gasped.

Elena unzipped her jacket and showed everyone her shirt and they gasped

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"Oh my god" Haley screamed.

"Y'all can plan a bigger version once i have the baby but for now i wanted something small" Elena said.

"Well me and Caroline can plan it were more into partying" Rebekah said.

"You don't even like Caroline" Haley said.

"True i don't like most girls that date my brothers cause everytime i try to date someone they kill my boyfriend" Rebekah said.

"Then i guess its a good thing i have a girlfriend" Freya said.

"You said last week you'd let us meet her" Haley said.

"Soon i promise" Freya said.

"Yes" Hope shouted. Everyone looked at her."Sorry random."

"What" Henrick asked. He knew that his cousin could sense things he couldn't.

"Your getting a sister. I can sense it it's going to be a girl" Hope said.

"Damn it" Evie said. She handed Hope a twenty."You win,"

"She's Elijah's daughter deals are in her nature" Katherine said.

"Not fair" Evie said.

"Your not allowed to help witches unless your related to them" Elena said.

"Is that your way of telling me i have to help Josie and Lizzie" Henrick siad.

"Yes" Elena said.

"How happy are you" Katherine said.

"Excited i wanted a girl." Elena smiled.

"Lets just hope she's not as crazy as you are" Kol said.

"Your physcotic remember" Elena smirked

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