Chapter 13

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(The ships for this book are Klayley Kalijah Mabekah Steroline Bamon and Kolena)

Elena and Kol had caught up with Evie and Henrick."Your still living with your siblings aren't you"

"They didn't trust my by myself" Kol said.

"Well i bought a house i want you to move in with us i want us to be a real family" Elena said, She wanted to do what they couldn't do because Dahlia was around."I don't want anyone to know i'm back yet i want a couple days for you to get to know him first"

"Ok" Kol asked."Are you and her related"

"No" Elena said."We were both adopted i don't know"

"You two look a lot alike" Kol said,

"I don't see it" Elena said.
Haley was sitting in Klaus' study with Hope who was playing with her toys when he walked in.

"Where have you been" Haley asked.

"You worried Little Wolf" Klaus asked.

Haley crossed her hands over her chest. Then she said."I'm not worried about you." Klaus Tilited his head a little and gave her a quesioning look."Fine i was worried but i earned that right."

"I'm fine" Klaus said.

"You and Elijah disapeared, Rebekah was let out of her coffin what are you not telling me" Haley asked.

"We found Elena Haley she's coming home" Klaus said.

"What" Haley asked."Y'all found her"

"She has a son named Henrick Mikaelson" Klaus said.

"Thats why she left Caroline told me she's always protecting someone she was protecting her son she had a first born and she didn't want anything to happen to him." Haley said. She smiled she was happy for Kol that the love of his life was back."That doesn't explain why you didn't tell me that you were going anywhere"

"Do i sense jealousy in your voice is this why Cami has been getting nothing but daggers your not even flirting with Elijah anymore" Klaus said.

"First i don't need problems with Katherine that bitch glares at me everytime she sees me second your my daughters father i get to be jealous if i want and there is nothing that you can do about it" Haley grinned. She walked towards the door when she was pinned against the wall.

"Hope go to your room"

-- 2 days later
Kol had taken Henrick to the compound where his siblings were. When he got there Rebekah and Haley were sitting at the table with Cami who was talking to Davina.

"Who's the kid" Cami asked.

"Henrick him and Elena's son" Davina said.

"She's back" Cami asked. "Why didn't i know"

"I was threatened so" Davina said

"Said i wouldn't say anything" Haley said.

"I thought you knew" Rebekah said.

"I didn't everyone knew she was back except me" Cami asked. They all nodded.

"How did Caroline find out" Rebekah asked looking at Davina.

"She called me i accidentally said yes then switched it to know why what did she do" Davina asked

"If we had been late there Elena would have been in italy" Klaus said.

"Caroline called her. She didn't Dahlia was gone thats why she was gone" Kol said.

"She got a nightmare when he was two like a real scary one that made her sure Dahlia was looking for the two of them" Rebekah said.

"Mother knew if her sister sent that message Elena wasn't returning anytime soon" Elijah said,

Elena woke up and was trying to get Evie to wake up."Evelyn Maria Pierce wake up"

Evie groaned and got out of bed and opened the door."Yes"

"Up now" Elena ordererd.

"I forgot Henrick wakes you up super early" Evie said.

"It's one" Elena sighed,"Kol took Henrick this morning to meet them now its our turn to go lets go"

"Ok let me get ready" Evie sighed.

"Can i see the picture" Elena asked.

"I'll show you it later ok its in my bood bag in one of the front pockets it'll be better to wait it out" Evie said. She was scared to know who her father was.

"Take your time" Elena said,

"How old were you when you turned" Evie asked. That was one of the questions that she had always wanted to know.

"17 now by law now i am 21. I got pregnant when i was 17 had him when i was 18 i'm not must older then you are" Elena said.

"Good to know" Evie said.

"Yeah i can relate to a lot" Elena said.

"Ok i'll get dressed and we can go" Evie said.


When the girls got there Elijah and Klaus were gone.

"Elena" Cami said.

"Hey Cami" Elena smiled.

"You look just like Katherine" Davina said."So do you"

"Maybe thats the deja feeling" Elena said,

"I don't see it" Evie said.

"Thats cause first borns always look more like there fathers" Elena said. She knew it was wrong but it was true.

Haley got up and walked towards Elena."Nice to meet you i'm Haley,"

"Hope's mother right" Elena asked.

Hope ran downstairs. Followed by Freya. Then Hope screamed"Mom"

"Yes Hope" Haley turned towards her.

"Ohhh magic" Hope walked towards Evie. She touched her hand."Magic"

"What" Evie asked.

Davina walked over with Freya. Freya touched her hand."Protection spell. Forgetting spell. Not on you know on a family member memory block"

Henrick walked over to his mom."Mom whats happening"

"I don't know Henrick thats what were trying to figure out" Elena said.

"I don't even know my parents i'm adopted" Evie said.

"You took in a teenager" Freya asked.

"No i took in a new 16 year old vampire if anyone asks she's my cousin" Elena said.

"Well i'm taking the spell off." Davina said. She chanted a incantation.

Klaus and Elijah walked downstairs."Whats with the racket."

"What's going on" Elijah said.

Elena looked at Elijah and Evie then cursed.

Evie looked at Elijah then Elena then she vamped out.

"Why'd she leave" Cami asked.

"Deja vu" Elena said."Elijah when did you have a daughter"

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