Chapter 15

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(There is not much Kolena interaction in this chapter but that will start soon but first we need her reunion with everyone)

Elena was in her room on her laptop when Evie Henrick and Hope ran in.

"It's been three days are you finally going to call your friends and tell them your back" Evie asked.

"I thought they were supposed to be having father kid days today" Elena asked.

"We were then they had to go help that witch Davina and something with Cami cause they did something" Evie said.

"What'd they do" Elena asked.

"Come on" Evie said.

Elena huffed and got up. She followed the three as they ran back to the compound. When she got there she didn't see anyone."Where is everyone."

Caroline and Cami jumped out from behind the wall"Surpirse."

"i can't believe you forgot your birthday Elena" Evie said.

"It's the 22" Elena asked.

"Yes" Katherine said walking out of the shadows with Haley."Come with me we have to get you into something that doesn't look like me" Cami Haley Caroline and Katherine took her to the room where Rebekah was.

"I can't believe you forgot your birthday i kinda invited Bonnie and everyone here" Caroline said.

"Ok" Elena said.

"So you have to wear this tiara and the outfit we picked out no choice" Cami said.

"Fine" Elena said.


When they finally got her ready they all walked downstairs. And seen everyone else. The whole compoud had blue streamers.

"I thought it would be fun to have an actual party and i'm having fun decorating with Magic sue me" Davina shrugged.

"Elena" Bonnie smiled.

"Hi" Elena smiled. When she got to the bottom of the stairs Evie walked up to her with a huge smirk."You wat something"

"Of course i do Freya and Davina have been giving me lessons" She waved her finger and Elena had a red stripe."Better"

"At least you didn't do blue" Elena said,

Jeremy walked over to her and gave her a hug."I missed you Lena"

"Missed you to" Elena said.

Henrick ran over to her and she picked him."We tricked you it was to easy mom"

"Mom you had a kid" Jeremy said.

"Who's this" Henrick said.

"This is my brother Jeremy" Elena said.

"Can i call you jer" Henrick asked.

"Sure" Jeremy replied.

"Happy birithday mom i can't believe you forgot" She sat him down and he started shaking his head.

The three original brothers walked over and Kol asked."You forgot your birthday"

"I thought it was tomorrow that explains the father child day lie" Elena said.

"We were more thinking that you would think that we forgot"  Klaus said.

"Wrong plan" Elena said,

Haley walked over with Davina."We can see how did three kids trick you"

"Said that Davina and Cami did something with knowing Cami a short time thats a good reason to get me out of my room" Elena said.

"That worked" Davina asked

"Sadly" Elena said,"I repeat this every year i don't like parties"

Caroline walked over."I get to pull you away now you haven't heard what happened yet"

"What happened" Elena asked.

"Come" Caroline dragged her over by Bonnie.

"It's good to have you back Elena" Bonnie said.

"Yeah good to see you" Elena said. She was totally lying but she wanted to be nice.


The party had ending. Elena had said hi to everyone even if she didn't like them. She was at home Evie was still staying with her. Evie and Henrick  were both sleep. Elena was standing at her window when she felt a pair of arms wrapp around her waist."I got one more request for the birthday girl"

Elena turned around in his arms and gave him a questioning look."Which is?"

"Dance with me"

"Kol you know i hate dancing right" Elena asked.

Kol smiled." I know but one please"

"Fine nothing fancy" Elena said. She let him take her hand. He turned on a song. She wrapped her arms arms around his neck and swayed to the music


After dancing for an hour because the lost track of time. Elena was in the bathroom taking off the make up that Rebekah had put on her. When she was done she made sure it was all off. She seen Esther and Dahlia appear in the mirror as if she was standing behind her she screamed and fell back.

Kol vamped in."What's wrong" He helped her to stand. Her breathing was getting heavy she was honestly scared out of her mind. He took her one of her hands and used the other to lift her face so she was looking at him."No one's gonna hurt you. What's wrong you know you can tell me"

"Th-ey we-re he-re" Elena stuttered."They wanted to hurt us"

He looked at her in her eyes."I am not going to let anyone hurt you. I promise" Kol said.

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