I want you to be strong, there will be a lot of challenges coming your way that would sometimes make you believe that giving up is the only choice you should take. You will bear a huge responsibility growing up, so take courage and be strong. I also want you to be deaf from hearing and caring someone else's opinion of you. I want you to exclude yourself from anyone who's not worthy of your time and concern. Love and value yourself more. It's okay to cry sometimes but protect your thoughts from things that are not holy and could weaken your relationship with God. Reserve most of your time in serving God. Be more close to Him. Do not be afraid to be happy and even just sometimes, think of your happiness more than anyone else's. Remember that you are love and worthy of everything. All of your dreams and ambitions will take you somewhere better so believe in your capabilities. Learn to express yourself more: showing affection and compassion to your love ones and even showing anger, so you would not be like a bottled container waiting to explode any minute. Don't be afraid to speak out your thoughts and even raise your concerns, you have every right to be. You will grow up to be a yes kind of person because you're afraid of disappointing people but please learn to say NO when you're not comfortable of doing those things that you are asked to do. Be more healthy and fit. Never feed your temptations so much. Be enough.
Your 18th year old self.
An ink for words
PoetryI decided to just create a creative naration of what I'm feeling about someone or about what I feel towards the day. Not forcing you to read it but maybe you could relate 😊