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Normal kachan POV
"WERE RIVALS YOU DEKU!!", who in the world is that , AND WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE ME ,AND WHY I HE FLIRTING WITH MY DEKU?!?!?!,so ya see ,I like deku ,but I hide it cause I don't want people to think I'm weak,cause I know damn well I'm not,I shove this mystery creep out of my way ,and stand in front of deku,to block his view from seeing him ,he looked at me with a horrifying smile and said " well HELLO little me ,it seems that you have woken up from your little nappy",this made me very upset , smoke started fuming out of my fists ,and I looked the dude dead in the eye and said with a fierce voice " WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU AND THIS DEKU DOING IN MY DORM?!?!?!",I'm guessing what I said about deku made him feel a bit sad ,but I'm upset right now ,so I can't feel bad ,the man looked at me and replied calmly " wow,I didn't know I was such a pain in the butt,but ,tch , my name is katsuki Bakugo ,and I am you from the future ,and the reason I am here (haha,I AM HERE)is because ,I - ,or, you let yourself get hit by someone's time quirk like a dimwit",this made me upset ,I was about explode this guys face off ,when suddenly deku went in front of me and said boldly, " HEY!,kachan is not a dimwit,sure ,he can be mean ,but ,it doesn't make him a bad person alright?!?,older kachan?!?",I saw what 'seems'to be me when I'm older blush a little,now that REALLY made me mad ,I didn't really know what to say,so ,that idiot is lucky I'm backing off for now,after what felt like an hour of this person staring at my deku and blushing,he looked at me and said , " look,katsuki,we need to talk to mr.Aizawa this instant ,I think he might know how long I'll be staying,cause honestly,I don't think I'll be staying just for today",he turned towards my door,well I guess,our door,and signaled me to follow him ,deku looked confused and a bit nervous,as I went passed him I said " idk how long this will take ,but don't worry about me ,you should damn well by now ,I can beat the like out of him if he tried to attack me alright",he looked at me and nodded his head,then I continued following me.

Older kachan POV
I Signal katsuki to follow,I looked behind me and saw him saying something to his future lover ,I honestly just hope I'm still around to see this moment,cause well,I love my Izuku,and I want to have the moment I told him I loved him a thousand times,just to see his happy smile and his gleaming eyes ,and his happy tears falling down his cheeks,soon enough katsuki followed me to where we were going,about 10minutes later, we found mr.Aizawa ,we ran up to him ,and automatically katsuki started yelling at him to answer how long I'll be staying, the teacher was confused not understanding a word that came out of 'our' mouth ,then looked at me with wide eyes ,then I could tell he understood perfectly what 'we' meant ,he said " well,*snickers for no fricken reason*older Bakugo ,do you know what time it was in your time void was?",I was confused by what he asked me but I told him it was 9:15 am, to be exact ,then he replied " well ,I guess he's gonna be here till next week,when it's the exact time that he entered here today",katsuki looked at mr.Aizawa with complete shock ,that made laugh  ridiculously ,omg ,I don't remember myself being such an idiot when I was younger,he ignored me and yelled at the teacher " LOOK CORPSE ,I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS!!!!",then he stomped away,I looked at the teacher ,trying so hard to not laugh ,then I couldn't hold it and I laughed so hard ,I heard him say " well you know ,mr.bakugo, you wouldn't have been laughing if you were a teacher to yourself",what he said made me laugh even harder ,I'm guessing he noticed what he said ,cause he started laughing to ,then once we were done laughing,he said to me " well ,anyways mr.bakugo-",I interrupted him and said " NO,not mr.Bakugo ,it's, mr.Midoryia",he looked at me shocked and said " wow,okay ,I thought you and Izuku would get along as friends in the future,not married",I smiled at him and said " well yes,but since I'm going to here in this week,I was thinking of bringing them closer ,so ,I don't,or he, doesn't have to wait to confess his feelings after him and Izuku congratulate UA",after I said that to the teacher ,he looked at me and said " well,I guess that answers my question,mr.Midoriya",I nodded at him and left to go find my younger self,I found him in his dorm talking to Izuku,I didn't want to interfere with what he was saying,so I waited outside by the door,soon enough ,my younger self came out the room ,and I told him " look katsuki ,I know you like Izuku,and well ,I already know since I'm you that we want to marry Izuku when your older,so ,during this week I AM going to help you confess to Izuku ALRIGHT",I made sure I whispered so Izuku couldn't hear ,he looked at me shocked for a second then looked upset and said " oh ,okay creep ,I mean yeah of course we like Izuku ,but who said I wanted to marry him when we're older,I looked at him with a bruh look on my face and said " well, angry Pomeranian,I'm you in the future ,and Izuku is my husband",he looked down at the ground blushing " do we really get to marry him?",I smiled at him and said " yeah,ya idiot,of course,so ,ya gonna let me help ,or do you wanna wait another year",he looked at me and nodded, " let's get started ,then ,older idiot"

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