Day 1 part two

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Btw children,I drew the picture that's on the top,plz tell what you think of it

Izuku POV
I miss those times with me and kachan,laughing and smiling with each other ,I guess I didn't notice that kachan was lookin at me blushing ,I asked " what is it kachan?",he looked at the ground and back at me and said "I-uummm,so ,looks like you found our hideout when we were kids ,huh?",I scooted over so kachan could sit across from me ,once he did ,I showed him the locket ,I placed it in his hands and said " d-do-do you remember k-ka-kachan?",he opened and saw the picture,and automatically started blushing,he looked at me and said " deku,did you look at the picture?",I nodded my head smiling ,he said " a-and your not m-mad about this deku?,o-or worries?",I shook my head no ,his face turned even more red then it already was ,he looked away from me ,it made me laugh,soon enough bakustay found us and said " heh,I guess I forgot where this place was ,whoops.......hey..........what were you two doin in here huh?", kachan yelled " HAH?!?!,WHAT DO YOU MEAN W-WE WE-WERE JUST TALKING ALRIGHT!!!!",bakustay chuckled a little ,then turned his head towards and said softly stroking my cheek " and ,my sweet Izuku,how are you?",before I could reply ,kachan slapped his hand and growled at him ,it made me laugh a little "wow,little katsuki ,there's no reason to have such a tantrum",I wanted to say something,but I was still to flustered to say anything,kachan looked at me with a 'bruh' kinda look and said " really deku,he's me and he older than you",after kachan said that ,it made me upset and I said " hah?!?,what?!?, jeez kachan,I dont like him ,it's just he did something I didn't expect,that's all",kachan laughed at me ,so did bakustay,ugh,whatever,I ignore them and scoot past bakustay,and escape the fort ,and say "well guys ,ima start heading back to my dorm ,okay?", "WAIT,IZUKU ,let me sleep with you",I was shocked at what bakustay said ,especially when kachan said " NO,HES SLEEPING WITH ME!!!",me and bakustay were just dead silent as we looked at kachan, " u-uhh uuumm ,w-well, s-see you guys later bye!!",and then I ran to my dorm quickly becoming a blushing mess.

Normal kachan POV
"Wow,little me ,nice one*starts laughing*,I gave him a glare and yelled shut up ,but he didn't listen,honestly,idk why ,but he's been laughing a lot ,so I asked " Oi ,idiot ,why are you laughing so much?",he looked at me and smiled ,and ruffling my hair " because ,I'm just so happy that I hopefully get to see me and Izuku fall in love again",I couldn't really get mad at him for saying that because he's me in the future ,so I just slapped his hand away while blushing ,and said " whatever ,let's go ,and by the way ,your gonna have to go get yourself you own apartment or somethin",then he said " NO,I'm sleeping with Izuku,BYE",and he started running for Izukus dorm and laughing ,I yelled ,starting to chase him " HES NOT EVEN YOUR IZUKU YET YA DUMMY!!" ( omg ,writing this part made me cry of pureness for real),there's no way he's sleeping with deku,like I said he can get his own damn apartment ,soon enough we reached Deku's dorm ,I knocked and said " Oi,open up deku",he came to the door still blushing about earlier,I creepily smiled and said , " hi deku,can we come in?",he said " sure ,but first can I talk to you um,alone?", I said " yeah sure ,just give me a minute",he closed the door ,and then the idiot said " You already know that this is your chance,but in exchange ,can you record for me cause well ima need it to ya know...."I groaned and then agreed with him put my phone on record and walked in,I walk in to see deku on his phone looking absolutely adorable,he looked at me smiling and said " oh ,hi kachan!,here ,come sit by me so we can talk",he fixed his position so that he and I could sit down,I sat by him and I said " so ,deku what did ya wanna talk about?,hm?",he looked at then ground and then back at me and asked " w-wh-why are you being so nice to me?....all of a sudden",I looked away noticing that I did do that ,so I'm guessing it's probably weird for him ,I say still looking away " I-I *sigh*,I can't tell now ,but I promise I will soon ,but for now,you should just be glad I didn't do anything harmful",I looked back at him to see him smiling as he said " oh,okay kachan!",then his face turned to a adorable cute one as he said " also ,do you know why uuuhh-uuum-uh that ummm the older kachan is acting flirtatious around me?",he said looking at the ground embarrassed that he wanted to know ,I laughed and said " uuuhhh-w-well I can't tell you yet ,it's kinda sorta connected to why I'm being so nice to ya",oh shoot ,I think I just hinted him that I liked him ,he looked at me blushing ,and said " o-oh okay kachan ,thanks for 'letting me know' *giggles softly*",damn it deku ,why do ya have to be so darn cute,he looks at me gazing into my eyes ,and soon enough I started to gaze Into his ,I started to feel a light blush creep across my face ,soon enough I had no control of myself ,I started to move closer to Izuku,RIGHT UNTIL THE OLDER ME BUSTED INTO THE ROOM ,and looked at us and smiled then said " oh,sorry was I about to interrupt something",deku looked away blushing,I yelled at the idiot " REALLY ,I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA WAIT OUT THE ROOM YA NUMBSKULL?!?!?",he shrugged his shoulders and said "heh,sorry ,you guys got quite,so I wanted to see what was goin on,but now ,I know exactly what was about to happen",I said " no ,ya didn't ,ya idiot ,you don't know nothin",he laughed a little agreeing with me,but ah almight ,can't believe I almost kissed deku ,if only he didn't disrupt.

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